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Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical and Computational Aspects of Interface Problems I
Minisymposium organized by Frederic Gibou and Christian Ratsch
Room: CAS3.8
16:30 Interface and Defect Dynamics Study Via the Phase Field Crystal Model (Keynote Lecture)
Jonathan Dantzig and Nigel Goldenfeld

17:00 Simulation for Epitaxial Growth and Pattern Formation (Keynote Lecture)
Russel Caflisch, Christian Ratsch and Xiaobin Niu

17:30 Modeling Strain Induced Pattern Formation and Self Organization of Quantum Dots during Heteroepitaxial Growth
Christian Ratsch, Xiaobin Niu, Young-Ju Lee, Peter Smereka, Jason DeVita and Russel Caflisch

17:50 Using Kinetic Monte Carlo to Simulate Dendritic Growth
Tim Schulze

18:10 Dissipative Dynamics of Fluid Vesicles
Frank Haußer, John Lowengrub, Andreas Rätz and Axel Voigt


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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