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Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Structural Stability I
Minisymposium organized by Herbert Mang and Zsolt Gaspar
Room: EXC2.2
10:30 Postbuckling Behaviors of Steel Trusses under Mechanical and Thermal Loads (Keynote Lecture)
Y. B. Yang and T. J. Lin

11:00 Application of the Splitting Lemma in the Stability Analysis (Keynote Lecture)
Zsolt Gaspar and Laszlo Oroszvary

11:30 Buckling of a Spindle Shaped Tensairity Column under Compression: A Numerical–Experimental Study
Theofanis Plagianakos, Rolf Luchsinger and Rene Crettol

11:50 Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Nonlinear Stability Analysis
Tomasz Sokol

12:10 Mechanics of Highly-Deformed Elastic Shells: Probing Localized and Extended Deformations using Computational Mechanics
Ashkan Vaziri


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