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Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Computational Bioimaging and Visualization I
Minisymposium organized by João Tavares, Renato Natal Jorge, Thomas J. R. Hughes and Chandrajit Bajaj
Room: CIN2.1
10:30 A Model of the Ca²+ and Na+ Waves Kinetics in Astrocytes and its Relevance to Functional Brain Imaging
Paola Lecca and Michela Lecca

10:50 A Comparative Study between Eardrum Perforations and Myringosclerosis
Fernanda Gentil, Renato Natal Jorge, António Ferreira, Marco Parente, Pedro Martins and Eurico Almeida

11:10 A Multi-Resolution Stochastic Level Set Method for the Mumford-Shah Segmentation of Bioimages
Yan Nei Law, Hwee Kuan Lee and Andy M. Yip

11:30 Introduction and Benchmark Test of Parallel FE Structural Analysis System, DIAMOND/IPSAP, as Free Software
Seung Jo Kim, Jong Keun Moon, MinKi Kim and JungEun Lee


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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