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Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Methods and Technological Solutions for CSP Systems I
Minisymposium organized by Valentina Salomoni and Giannuzzi Mauro
Room: CAS1.5
16:30 Radiative Transfer in High-Temperature Multi-Phase Solar Thermochemical Reactors
W. Lipisnki and A. Steinfeld

16:50 Coupling Radiation and Convection: Effect of Radiation Mesh on Both Results and Performance
Guillem Colomer, Oriol Lehmkuhl, Ricard Borrell and Roser Capdevila

17:10 Innovative Heat Storage Concrete Systems for Solar Power Plants
Giuseppe Mauro Giannuzzi, Valentina Salomoni, Adio Miliozzi and Carmelo Majorana

17:30 Risk Profiling the Design & Management of Concentrated Solar Power Technologies
Ennio Bianchi

17:50 Numerical Evaluation of Wind Actions on Parabolic trough Collectors
Adio Miliozzi, Daniele Nicolini, Giacomo Arsuffi and Luigi Sipione

18:10 Structural Steel Components Optimization of Parabolic-trough Solar Concentrators
Valentina Salomoni, Giuseppe Mauro Giannuzzi, Carmelo Majorana and Adio Miliozzi


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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