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Monday, June 30th    11:30 - 12:30
Computational Contact Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
11:30 Covariant Description for Contact between Arbitrary Curves: General Approach for Beams, Cables and Surface Edges
Alexander Konyukhov and Karl Schweizerhof

11:50 A 3D Curve Smoothing Method preserving Nodes for the Beam-to-Beam Contact
Przemyslaw Litewka

12:10 A p-Version Finite Element Model for Simple Straight Wire Rope Strands
Istvan Paczelt and Robert Beleznai

Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Contact Mechanics II
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
14:00 A Dual Preconditioned Projected Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Solving Contact Problems
Nicolas Tardieu, Eric Chamberland and Fabien Youbissi

14:20 Combination of Interior-Point Method and Semismooth Newton Method for Large-Scale Frictionless Contact Problems
Tomoshi Miyamura, Yoshihiro Kanno and Makoto Ohsaki

14:40 Solution of Contact Problems with Large Displacements and Deformations using P-Version Finite Elements
Tamas Szabo, Frigyes Nandori and Istvan Paczelt

15:00 A Modified Node-To-Segment Algorithm Passing the Contact Patch Test
Giorgio Zavarise and Laura De Lorenzis

15:20 Different Time Integration Schemes for Mortar Contact Methods
Christian Hesch and Peter Betsch

15:40 Challenges in Code Development for Parallel and Multimechanics Contact
Michael Puso, Tony Degroot, Robert Ferencz, Dennis Parsons, Jerome Solberg and Ed Zywicz

Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Contact Mechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
16:30 A Multicontact Problem: The Virtual Testing of Joints for the Prediction of Damping
David Néron, Pierre Ladevèze, Alain Caignot and Jean-François Durand

16:50 Combined Multibody Dynamics, Finite Elements and CAD Methodologies for the Design of Road Structures
João M. P. Dias, Ana Freitas and Rui Silva

17:10 Modelling the Asperity Degradation of a Sheared Rock Joint using Fem
Anna Giacomini, Olivier Buzzi and Kristian Krabbenhoft

17:30 Nonlinear Analysis of Arches under Contact Constraints
Ricardo Silveira and Paulo Gonçalves

17:50 Numerical Simulation of Bullet Heating while travelling in Grooved Barrel
Moshe Arad, David Touati and Sharon Peles

18:10 Penetration of Steel Anchor into a Concrete Block
Ivica Kožar, Josko Ožbolt and Vanja Travaš

Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Computational Contact Mechanics IV
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
10:30 Frictional Contact of Elastomer Materials on Rough Rigid Surfaces
Peter Wriggers and Jana Nettingsmeier

10:50 Effect of Multi-Scale Contact Deformation on Interfacial Forces
Kyriakos Komvopoulos

11:10 A Unified Approach to Computational Contact Problems at Multiple Length Scales using Adaptive Homogenization of Nanoscale Contact
Roger Sauer and Peter Wriggers

11:30 A Multiscale Projection Method for Contact on Rough Surfaces
Ralf Nitsche, Peter Wriggers and Ali Rezgui

11:50 Debonding Contact: Models, Formulations, Solvers and Applications
Michel Raous, Mathieu Schryve and Nazihe Terfaya

12:10 Finite Element Simulation of Contact between Rough Surfaces and Sealing Behavior
Chen Feng and Jean-François Molinari

Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Contact Mechanics V
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
14:00 A New Contact Method Based on a Contact Domain
Stefan Hartmann, Javier Oliver, Juan Cante and Rafael Weyler

14:20 A Two-Scale Approach to contact Problems between a Rigid Rough Surface and an Elastic or Viscoelastic Half-Space
Honoré Yin, Denis Duhamel, Julien Cesbron, Ivan Kozhevnikov and Fabienne Anfosso-lédée

14:40 A Study on Solid Contact Problem using Nodeless Method based on the Unified Energy Principle
Kazuto Yamamura, Atsushi Kikuchi and Tadahiko Kawai

15:00 A Unifying Framework for Contact Problems in Plasticity
Corinna Hager, Stefan Hüeber and Barbara Wohlmuth

15:20 An Improved Contact Algorithm for Multimaterial Continuum Codes
David L. Littlefield and Kenneth C. Walls

15:40 Segment-to-Segment Contact Smoothing Method for Finite Deformation
Manuel Tur, Javier Fuenmayor and Peter Wriggers

Tuesday, July 1st    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Contact Mechanics VI
Minisymposium organized by Peter Wriggers, Tod A. Laursen and Giorgio Zavarise
Room: CAS1.2
16:30 Modeling of High Friction Contact Problems with or without Third Body
Zhi-Qiang Feng, Jean-Michel Cros and Christine Renaud

16:50 Numerical Methods for 3D Coulomb‘s Friction based on Nonsmooth Newton‘s Method and Nonlinear Complementarity Formulations
Vincent Acary, Houari-Boumediene Khenous and Franck Perignon

17:10 Multiscale Thermomechanical Modelling of High Speed Dry Friction in Hydrodynamics
Franck Dambakizi, Patrick Le Tallec and Jean-Philippe Perlat

17:30 Schwarz Method for Slip Weakening Friction with Applications to Earthquake Source Dynamics
Lori Badea, Ioan R. Ionescu and Sylvie Wolf

17:50 Extended Finite Element Modeling of Large Deformation Frictional Contact
Amir Khoei, Omid Reza Biabanaki , I. Yadegaran and Masoud Anahid

18:10 Development of a Constitutive Model for the Masonry-FRP Interface Behaviour
Claudio Maruccio, Daniel Oliveira and Paulo Lourenço


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