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Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
Metamodels for High Dimensionality Response Surfaces in Multiobjective Optimization I
Minisymposium organized by George Dulikravich and Marcelo Colaco
Room: CAS1.3
10:30 A Comparison among Different Response Surface Methods
Marcelo Colaco, Wellington Silva, Ana Magalhaes and George Dulikravich

10:50 Application of Metamodel-Based Robust Design Optimization to Industrial Problems
Stuart J. Bates, Royston D. Jones and Vassili V. Toropov

11:10 Radial Basis Functions Performance on Large Scale Problems
Enrico Rigoni and Alberto Lovison

11:30 Accelerating Aerodynamic Shape Design using Metamodel-Assisted Particle Swarm Optimization
Praveen Chandrashekarappa and Régis Duvigneau

11:50 Assesment of Strategies for Design of Experiments and Data Fitting Techniques for Reservoir Engineering Problems
Silvana Maria Afonso, Bernardo Horowitz and Ramiro Willmersdorf

Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Metamodels for High Dimensionality Response Surfaces in Multiobjective Optimization II
Minisymposium organized by George Dulikravich and Marcelo Colaco
Room: CAS1.3
14:00 Low-Boom and Low-Drag Design Exploration for Twin Engine Supersonic Business Jet
Shinkyu Jeong, Koma Sato, Takayasu Kumano and Shigeru Obayashi

14:20 Automatic Surrogate Model Building for Computer Based Design
Dirk Gorissen, Tom Dhaene and Piet Demeester

14:40 Large Scale Optimization based on Adaptive Metamodelling
Andrey A. Polynkin and Vassili V. Toropov

15:00 Simulation and Loading Path Optimization of a Hydroform ‎Part using ‎Response Surface Method
Khalil Khalili, Seyd Yousef Ahmadi Borghuni and Ehsan Eftekhari Shahri


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