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Monday, June 30th    11:30 - 12:30
Subgrid Scales, a-Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Computational Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Guillermo Hauke and James R. Stewart
Room: CAS3.8
Anisotropic 3D Delaunay Mesh Adaptation for High Speed Compressible Flows
Z. Xie, L. Remaki, Oubay Hassan, Kenneth Morgan , N. P. Weatherill

Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Fluid Dynamics of Compressible Flows of Substances Governed by Complex Thermodynamic Models II
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Piero Colonna, Stefano Rebay, Alberto Guardone and John Harinck
Room: CAS3.3
Analysis of the Influence of Thermodynamic Speed of Sound in Modeling the Rapid Vaporization of Superheated Liquid (BLEVE) by employing the Method of Characteristics
Mengmeng Xie, Dirk Roekaerts

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Numerical Modeling of Coupled Problems in Geo- and Durability Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Günther Meschke and Xikui Li
Room: CAS1.4
Modelling of Chemo-Mechanical coupling in Porous Cement Paste
Jianfu Shao, A. Mohamad-Hussein, Y. Zhang, S.Y. Xie, N. Burlion, J. Saint-Marc

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Biofluids and Coupled Problems in Biomechanics IV
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Wolfgang Wall, Marek Behr, Matteo Pasquali and Alberto Figueroa
Room: CIN0.1
Free-boundary Flows of Complex Fluids by Monolithic Methods
Matteo Pasquali, Oscar Coronado, Xueying Xie

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Modeling of Coupled Problems in Geo- and Durability Mechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Günther Meschke and Xikui Li
Room: CAS1.4
PVP Based Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method for Mechanical Analysis of Heterogeneous Materials
Hongwu Zhang, Hui Wang, Biaosong Chen, Zhaoqian Xie


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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