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Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Numerical Modelling of High Speed or Innovative Metal Forming Processes II
Minisymposium organized by Jean-Loup Chenot, Fabricio Micari and Katia Mocellin
Room: CAS1.2
Micromechanically Motivated Macroscopic Modeling of Induced Flow Anisotropy in Sheet Metals
Yuliana Stepanova, Vladislav Levkovitch, Bob Svendsen

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Image-Based Computational Modelling of Materials III
Minisymposium organized by M.A. Siddiq Qidwai and Andrew B. Geltmacher
Room: CAS3.7
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Microstructure of Aluminum Alloys during Extrusion
Tobias Kayser, Farhad Parvizian, Bob Svendsen

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Adaptive Methods for Material Processing I
Minisymposium organized by Thierry Coupez, Jean-François Hetu and José César de Sa
Room: CIN.SalaVolpi
Application of Adaptive Method in Thermomechanical Modeling and Simulation of Extrusion of Aluminum Alloys
Farhad Parvizian, Tobias Kayser, Bob Svendsen

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Adaptive Modeling in Computational Mechanics IV
Minisymposium organized by J. Tinsley Oden and Serge Prudhomme
Room: EXC. Congress Room
Automatic Unstructured and Non-Conforming Remeshing with Boundary Control for Metal Cutting Simulation
Xin Gu, Christian Hortig, Bob Svendsen

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Coupled Multifield Problems and Smart Structures III
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Thomas Wallmersperger, Bernd Kröplin and Erasmo Carrera
Room: CAS3.4
Phase-Field-Based Modeling and Simulation of Solidification and Deformation Behavior of Technological Alloys
Svyatoslav Gladkov, Marcus Stiemer, Bob Svendsen


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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