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Monday, June 30th    10:00 - 10:30
Plenary Lecture 1
Room: PGL
Electronic-Structure Calculations at Macroscopic Scales
Michael Ortiz

Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Length Scale Effects in Dynamic Failure of Materials II
Minisymposium organized by Shailendra Joshi, J.F. Molinari and K.T. Ramesh
Room: CAS3.1
Numerical Applications of Distributed Damage in Confined Brittle Materials
Anna Pandolfi, Michael Ortiz

Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Advances in Computational Mechanics in Honor of Professor Maier II
Minisymposium organized by Eugenio Onate, Claudia Comi and Giorgio Novati
Room: EXC1.1
Nonconvex Plasticity and Microstructure
Michael Ortiz

Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Methods in Multibody Dynamics Simulation V
Minisymposium organized by Dan Negrut, Carlo Bottasso and Rudranarayan M. Mukherjee
Room: CAS1.7
On Γ-Convergence of Variational Integrators for Constrained Systems
Sigrid Leyendecker, Bernd Schmidt, Michael Ortiz

Tuesday, July 1st    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Mechanics of Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials and Structures II
Minisymposium organized by Christian Hellmich and Dinesh Katti
Room: CIN0.1
Mechanical Properties of Cellular Structures formed by the Voronoi-Partition of Randomly Disturbed Cubic Lattices
Rafael Schouwenaars, Humberto Cervantes, Elliot I. Bustillos, Víctor H. Jacobo, Armando Ortiz

Wednesday, July 2nd    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Fracture Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials and Structures II
Minisymposium organized by Noriyuki Miyazaki and Toru Ikeda
Room: CAS3.8
A Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Model for Stress Corrosion Cracking
Julian Rimoli, Michael Ortiz

Thursday, July 3rd    10:30 - 12:30
Minisymposium in Honor of Prof. O.C. Zienkiewicz IV
Minisymposium organized by Robert Taylor and Perumal Nithiarasu
Room: EXC1.1
CBS Methodology for Environmental Hydraulics. A Continuous FEM Competitive Choice
Pablo Ortiz

Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Meshfree and Generalized/Extended Finite Element Methods IV
Minisymposium organized by J. S. Chen, Ivo Babuska, Ted Belytschko, C. Armando Duarte, Vitor Leitão, Wing Kam Liu, Hirohisa Noguchi and Angelo Simone
Room: EXC1.2
Second Order Maximum-Entropy Approximation Schemes
Christian Cyron, Marino Arroyo, Michael Ortiz, Wolfgang A. Wall


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