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Tuesday, July 1st    16:30 - 18:30
STS11: Models and Tools for the Design of a Supersonic Transport Aircraft with Reduced Impact on the Environment
Room: EXC2.1
Sonic Boom Modeling: Aspects, Numerical Methods and Optimisation
Frédéric Alauzet, Alain Dervieux, Adrien Loseille, Youssef Mesri

Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
High-performance Computing in Computational Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Shahrouz Aliabadi, Omar Ghattas, Robert B. Haber, Guillaume Houzeaux, Abani Patra and Mariano Vázquez
Room: CAS2.1
Harnessing the Power of Multi-Core Architectures in CFD by Coupling Multi-Threading Programming, Cache Misses Reduction Techniques with Multi-Scale Adaptivity
Adrien Loseille, Frédéric Alauzet, Paul-Louis George, Loic Maréchal, Éric Saltel

Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Adaptive Methods for Material Processing II
Minisymposium organized by Thierry Coupez, Jean-François Hetu and José César de Sa
Room: CIN.SalaVolpi
Adaptive Finite Elements with Large Aspect Ratio: Theory and Practice
Marco Picasso, Jacek Narski, Yves Bourgault, Frédéric Alauzet, Adrien Loseille


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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