Thursday, July 3rd 10:30 - 12:30
Computations of Fluid Flows at the Solid-Fluid Interfaces II
Minisymposium organized by Dimitrios Papavassiliou and Lloyd Lee
Room: CAS2.2
Large-Scale DES around Complex Geometries using an Unstructured Compressible Flow Solver
Laurent Georges, Koen Hillewaert, Raphaël Capart, Philippe Geuzaine
Thursday, July 3rd 16:30 - 18:30
STS06: Wake Vortex Research in Europe
Room: EXC2.1
CFD simulations of wake flows in the FAR-Wake project
Anton de Bruin, Laurent Nybelen, Thilo Schönfeld, Gregoire Winckelmans, André Giovannini, Laurent Georges, Stefan Melber-Wilkending