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Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Virtual Fracture Testing of Composite Materials and Structures I
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Javier LLorca and Brian Cox
Room: CAS3.1
Practical Challenges in Formulating Virtual Tests
Brian N. Cox

Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Advances in Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Testing of MEMS and NEMS IV
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Attilio Frangi, Narayan Aluru and Subrata Mukherjee
Room: CIN1.1
Effects of Viscoelastic and Fluid Damping on the Quality Factor for a Resonant Microcantilever
Russel Cox, Michael Wenzel, Fabien Josse, Stephen Heinrich, Isabelle Dufour

Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
High-performance Computing in Computational Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Shahrouz Aliabadi, Omar Ghattas, Robert B. Haber, Guillaume Houzeaux, Abani Patra and Mariano Vázquez
Room: CAS2.1
Toward Scalable Adaptive Mantle Convection Simulation on Petascale Supercomputers
George Biros, Carsten Burstedde, Omar Ghattas, Michael Gurnis, Georg Stadler, Eh Tan, Tiankai Tu, Lucas Wilcox, Shijie Zhong

Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
Numerical Methods for Fluid-structure Interactions I
Minisymposium organized by Hester Bijl and Jan Vierendeels
Room: CAS3.5
Influence of the Time Step on the Stability of the Coupling Iterations in a Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation
Joris Degroote, Peter Bruggeman, Robby Haelterman, Karen Willcox, Jan Vierendeels


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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