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Number of visits: 5974798


President: E. Oñate, Spain 
Vice President for America:  T. Belytschko, United States 
Vice President for Europe & Africa:  H. Mang, Austria 
Vice President for Asia & Australia: S. Valliappan, Australia 
Secretary General: S. Idelsohn, Argentina 
Past Presidents  
T.J.R. Hughes, United States 
A.Samuelson, Sweden 
J. T. Oden, United States 
O.C. Zienkiewicz, United Kingdom
A. Jameson, United States 
M. Kleiber, Poland 
W. K. Liu, United States 
M. W. Yuan, P.R.China 
J. Périaux, France 
B. Schrefler, Italy 
G. Yagawa, Japan 
Corresponding Members  
E. Arantes e Oliveira, Portugal 
C. K. Choi, Korea
R. Ohayon, France 
R. Owen, United Kingdom
M. Papadrakakis, Greece 
E. Ramm, Germany 
T. Tezduyar, United States 
Honorary Members  
J.H. Argyris, Germany 
Y.K. Cheung, China 
R. Dautray, France 
T. Kawai, Japan 
E. Stein, Germany 
W. Wunderlich, Germany 

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
iacm-eccomas08@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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