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Number of visits: 73520

11/5/2011    17:00 - 19:00
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks
H. von Eynatten, R. Tolosana-Delgado

Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir
G. Bicocchi, G. Montegrossi, G. Ruggieri, A. Buccianti, O. Vaselli

Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Trace Gases and Particulate Matter: Comparison of Log-ratio and Traditional Approaches
M. Engle, J. Martín-Fernández, N. Geboy, R. Olea, B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, A. Kolker, D. Krabbenhoft, P. Lamothe, M. Bothner, M. Tate

The Stoichiometry of Mineral Compositions
E. Grunsky, J. Bacon-Shone

Self-consistent Modelling of Mercury’s Surface Composition and Exosphere by Solar Wind Sputtering
H. Lammer, M. Pleger, P. Wurz, J.A. Martínez- Fernández, H.I. Lichtenegger, M.L. Khodachenko

Ordinary Cokriging of Additive Log-Ratios for Estimating Grades in Iron Ore Deposits
M.N. M. Boezio, J.F. C. L. Costa, J.C. Koppe

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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