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Number of visits: 75055


The workshop will take place in Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Sant Feliu is a beautiful, old town in a privileged, sheltered location at the Costa Brava, the grand, rocky coast of the province of Girona.

The workshop and the traditional previous introductory course will take place in Eden Roc hotel. Attendants are encouraged to stay at the hotel, to stir discussion and social life. The organisation guaranteees very attracctive prices.

Sant Feliu can be reached by bus from Barcelona and Girona bus stations, as well as from Girona-Costa Brava Airport.

Detailed information on how to arrive to Sant Feliu de Guíxols is available here.


The approximate rates per person and night for accommodation at Eden Roc during the workshop are: 100 € for a double room in single use, or 80€ for double use (this is, 160€ per room). This includes half board (accomodation, breakfast, dinner) and access to the hotel spa services. Taxes are also included. Note that lunches are included in the workshop fees, also for accompanying people.

To benefit of these special conditions, booking should be done through the workshop organizing committee. To book one or more rooms, please send an email to edrreservas.codawork@upc.edu. Confirmation to the sender email address should be expected in around a week. Please specify type of room desired (single or double use), full name(s) of guest(s), and the dates of check-in and check-out.

Any incidence related to accommodation (cancellation, modification, etc.) should be communicated to the same e-mail address.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
codawork2011@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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