Invited Minisymposia
Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Minisymposia organized by recognised experts in targeted
research areas.
Please recall that only one presentation per registered participant is allowed. A second contribution will be accepted only with the aim to present it in the Fracture Benchmark MS.
The list of confirmed Invited Minisymposia follows:
Cyclic damage processes in high-performance concrete in experimental-virtual-lab (DFG Priority Program 2020) - MS code: 68
Organized by M. Kaliske, S. Löhnert, S. Anders
Discrete models for material failure - MS code: 69
Organized by F. Kun, F. Wittel
Dynamic fracture, fragmentation and impact - MS code: 42
Organized by J. Ožbolt
Ductile fracture - MS code: 46
Organized by P.O. Bouchard, J. César de Sà , R. Peerlings
Enriched finite-element formulations for fracture - MS code: 57
Organized by J. Alfaiate, L. J. Sluys
Fracture and damage of composites and laminates - MS code: 58
Organized by P. Camanho, S. Hallett, J. Remmers, O. Allix
Fracture of biological tissues: observations, mechanisms and concepts - MS code: 60
Organized by C. Gasser, H. Isakssonr
Multi-scale analysis - MS code: 61
Organized by S. Loehnert, M. Geers, A. Huespe, X. Oliver
Quasi-brittle cracking, coupled processes and hydraulic fractures - MS code: 63
Organized by G. Pijaudier-Cabot, I. Carol
Regularized failure models - MS code: 62
Organized by M. Jirasek, N. Moës, C. Maurini
Statistical aspects of fracture - MS code: 65
Organized by L. Ponson, D. Bonamy, J.-F. Molinari
Theory of fracture, crack propagation criteria and crack tracking algorithms - MS code: 64
Organized by A. Pandolfi , M. Ortiz