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    Ethical competencies in Higher Education

    Prof. Maria Rosa BUXARRAIS

    Universitat de Barcelona

    Higher Education encompasses three interconnected dimensions:

    1. A dimension related with the construction and transmission of the scientific, technical, cultural and humanistic knowledge.
    2. A political and social dimension linked to the implication in the society and in the democratic principles development.
    3. An ethical dimension bound together with and activity compromised with the justice, the people’s and communities’ dignity and human rights.

    Since Higher Education must train competent professionals who are to analyse their own practises, we will consider the third dimension. Furthermore, they must be able to evaluate their actions, their perceptions, their beliefs and their thoughts, not only as professionals in their field of knowledge but as compromised citizens as well. Thus, the training of the ethical competence is necessary to develop ability of reflection, analysing and the taking of a post. Here we are going to ask ourselves questions related to the teacher practises and the ethical learning in the higher education.


    Professor of Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona, B.A in Psychology and a B.A. and PhD in Education. Founding member (1989) and the lead researcher of the Research Group of Moral Education (GREM). Responsible from 1995 until 2005 for the Democracy and Education Program of the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI). Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Moral Education (2002–2012) and Editor of the books series on Values Education in Spanish Editorial Desclée Brouwer (Bilbao). Currently, member of the Editorial Board of the book series Moral Development and Citizen Education, by Sense Publishers (The Netherlands). Head of Research at the Institute of Education Sciences (IDP-ICE) at University of Barcelona and also Director of the Observatory of Civics and Values in Catalonia of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

    Her research is focused on four main topics: families and education in values, moral education in the curriculum, adolescence and moral values and volunteering as active citizenship, and Higher Education and Ethical competencies.


    Education: Challenges for successful civil engineering projects


    SNC Lavalin, Canada

    Complexity of civil engineering projects is growing by the day. Not only technical advances allow construction of taller, wider, deeper and longer infrastructure but the size of the projects as a whole is bigger nowadays than ever. Mega projects, whose budgets can reach up to 1000 M€, involves not only multidisciplinary teams, but also international ones involving designers and contractors working altogether. For the success of these works, cutting edge techniques have to be mastered by all skate holders. Commitment and attitude is also essential and not always present in younger generations. Surprisingly, in the era of social networks, mobile phones, instant text messaging and email, communication might not be as effective as it was in the past. This lecture will give us some insight in some common issues to be faced in the civil engineering educational system to train efficient professionals.


    Mr Jaime Freyre de Andrade (1974) got his Master of Science in Civil engineering from the prestigious School of Civil Engineering of Santander, University of Cantabria, Spain (1998). Since then, he has held different managerial positions in the Civil Engineering Business. From 2006 to 2011 he was COO for Civil works in the Andalusia region of the Spanish firm Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC Construction). He was Business Area Manager for Alpine Bau GmbH.‐ FCC, Vienna ‐ Austria during the restructuring process of the company. He was CEO North America for FCC Construccion S.A., New York (2011-2013), managing the Toronto ‐ Spadina Subway (400 Million USD) and Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement (DB) (650 Million USD). He was Project Director of the FAST Consortium (King Abdulaziz Riyadh Metro Project Package 3, Saudi Arabia), a Design and Build turnkey project of 8.000 Million USD from 2013 to 2016. At present, he is Major Projects Project Director of SNC Lavalin, Montreal ‐ Canada, managing a Design and Build turnkey project of 5.000 Million CAD for 67Km of LRT System.


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