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Number of visits: 129441

Scientific Committee

  • M. Abdel-Maksoud, Germany
  • M. Aguirre Font, Spain
  • Y. Bazilevs, USA
  • J.M. Blanco, Spain
  • E.F. Campana, Italy
  • P. Carrica, USA
  • M. Diez, Italy
  • A. Drach, USA
  • A. Düster, Germany
  • B. El Moctar, Germany
  • S. Ehlers, Germany
  • J. A. Falcão de Campos, Portugal
  • C. Farhat, USA
  • S. Fu, China
  • M. Fujikubo, Japan
  • C. Fureby, Sweden
  • E. Guilmineau, France
  • T. Hino, Japan
  • C. Hirsch, Belgium
  • T. Hughes, USA
  • Z. Hu, UK
  • A. Iafrati, Italy
  • S. Idelsohn, Spain
  • L. Imas, Usa
  • C. Jahn, Germany
  • L. Larsson, Sweden
  • D. Le Touzé, France
  • M.Liefvendahl, Sweden
  • R. Löhner, USA
  • Y.M. Low, Singapore
  • J. Michopoulos, USA
  • K.M. Mathisen, Norway
  • H. G. Matthies, Germany
  • V. Nava, Spain
  • D. Norrison, Australia
  • J. K. Paik, Republic of Korea/UK
  • A. Papanikolaou, Greece
  • B. Pettersen, Norway
  • P. Queutey, France
  • H. Raven , The Netherlands
  • S. H. Rhee, Republic of Korea
  • R. Ribó, Spain
  • J.-M. Rousset, France
  • T. Rung, Germany
  • A. Sánchez-Arcilla, Spain
  • G. Sannino, Italy
  • B. Servàn, Spain
  • A. Souto-Iglesias, Spain
  • F. Stern, USA
  • D. Straub, Germany
  • B. Suárez, Spain
  • T. Tezduyar, USA
  • I. Tsukrov, USA
  • F. Valdenazzi, Italy
  • G. Vaz, The Netherlands
  • R. Verzicco, Italy
  • D. Wan, China
  • J. Videman, Portugal

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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