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Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas. Contributions to these sessions are by invitation of the organizers.

Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.

The preliminary list of confirmed Invited Sessions follows:

Application of FSI in marine propulsion and energy converters 
Alexander Düster and Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud 
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany

Application of scale-resolving turbulence modelling techniques to ship hydrodynamics
Mattias Liefvendahl
FOI Swden 
Daniel Norrison DST-Group, Australia Biomimetics in marine technology Carlos Jahn Hamburg University of Technology, Germany Johannes Oeffner Fraunhofer CML, Germany Cavitation and cavitation-induced erosion Bettar Ould el Moctar University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Computational Environmental Mechanics for the Blue Growth Emilio Campana and Elena Ciappi CNR-INSEAN, Italy Flow problems and control, optimisation, and uncertainty Hermann G. Matthies Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Roger Ohayon Lmssc, France Lightweight Composite Materials in Shipbuilding Julio García CIMNE Marine/UPC, Spain Alfonso Jurado Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería SL, Spain Multi-fidelity analysis and optimization methods in marine engineering Matteo Diez CNR-INSEAN , Italy Dr. Thomas Fu USA Near Wall Turbulence and its impact on Ship Hydrodynamics
Christer Fureby
FOI - Swedish Defence Research Agency Rickard Bensow Chalmers University, Sweden
Numerical modelling for engineering applications in the field of energy in marine environment
Vincenzo Nava
Tecnalia, Spain
Miquel Aguirre Font 
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France

Numerical modeling of flexible structures in offshore environment
Igor Tsukrov and Andrew Drach 
University of New Hampshire /University of Texas  at Austin, USA

Numerical modeling of wave energy converters
Claes Eskilsson and Jens Peter Kofoed
Aalborg University, Denmark Optimization in marine engineering Charles Hirsch NUMECA, Belgium Optimisation & uncertainty quantification in practical hydrodynamic ship design Thomas Scholcz and Christian Veldhuis Marin, The Netherlands Physics and simulation of hydrofoils Patrick Queutey and Jeroen Wackers
École Centrale de Nantes, (ECN), France Ships in Ice Eugenio Oñate CIMNE/UPC, Spain Thomas Rung Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Water Impact and Water Entry Problems Alessandro Iafrati CNR-INSEAN , Italy Thomas Rung Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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