25/7/2014    09:00 - 11:00
Computational Mechanics of Cells, Tissues, and Biomaterials III
Minisymposium organized by Amir A. Zadpoor, Fred Vermolen, Liesbet Geris, Hanna Isaksson and Pasquale Vena
Room: Mare Nostrum F
Chair: Amir A. Zadpoor
CoChair: Pasquale Vena
Estimation of cartilage properties using indentation tests, finite element models, and artificial neural networks
Vahid Arbabi, Gianni Campoli, Harrie Weinans and Amir A. Zadpoor

Evaluation of a computational model for drug action on cardiac tissue
Ralf Frotscher, Jan-Peter Koch, Hans-Jürgen Raatschen and Manfred Staat

Presentation of results of moving grid finite-element analyses on a plastic mechanochemical continuum model for dermal wound healing
Daniël C. Koppenol and Fred J. Vermolen

Forming of Janus particles by surface adsorption of biomolecules
Donghai Gai, Li Huey Tan, Banglin Liu, Suling Zhang, Yi Lu and K. Jimmy Hsia

Numerical analysis of transient streaming potential in bone
Hunhee Kim and Junghwa Hong