24/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Finite Element Methods and High-Performance Computing for Environmental Fluid Mechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Ethan Kubatko and Kazuo Kashiyama
Room: Salon Club
Chair: Peter Bacopoulos
A mimetic discretisation of the fully compressible Euler equations over orography with implicit treatment of acoustic and gravity waves (Keynote Lecture)
Hilary Weller and Ava Shahrokhi

A multidimensional modeling approach for coupled shallow water + overland flow
Ethan Kubatko

Multiscale flow simulations of tsunami runup with locally-periodic structural obstacles
Shinsuke Takase, Junji Kato, Shuji Moriguchi, Kenjiro Terada, Takashi Kyoya, Mao Kurumatani, Mitsuteru Asai and Kazuo Kashiyama

The modelling of tidal turbine farms using multi-scale, unstructured mesh models
Stephan C. Kramer and Matthew D. Piggott

Time-averaged shallow water equations by asymptotic analysis
José M. Rodríguez and Raquel Taboada-Vázquez