23/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Railway and Road Noise and Vibrations - Modeling of Propagation and Mitigation I
Minisymposium organized by Paulo Amado-Mendes, Luís Godinho, Salvador Ivorra and Jaime Ramis
Room: Business Centre I
Chair: Paulo Amado-Mendes
CoChair: Luis Godinho
A procedure for the top geometry optimization of thin acoustic barriers
Rayco Toledo, Juan J. Aznárez, Orlando Maeso and David Greiner

An explicit integration finite element method for impact noise generation due to wheel flat
Zhen Yang, Zili Li and Rolf P.B.J. Dollevoet

3D FE Modelling of Wheel-Rail Frictional Rolling Contact in ElastoPlasticity for Investigation on Short Pitch Corrugation
Shaoguang Li, Zili Li and Rolf P.B.J. Dollevoet

2.5d modeling of soil-structure interaction using a coupled MFS-FEM formulation
Paulo Amado-Mendes, Luís Godinho and Pedro Alves-Costa

Prediction of railway induced vibrations in an urban environment
Pieter Coulier, Alice Cicirello, Geert Lombaert, Geert Degrande and Hugh Hunt

Simplified model for structural vibration of a viaduct due to railway traffic
Yifan Chen and Tianxing Wu