23/7/2014    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Methods in Fluid-structure Interactions, Dynamics and Vibration, Vibroacoustics - A Minisymposium in Honor of Prof. Roger Ohayon VII
Minisymposium organized by Christian Soize
Room: Yasmin A
Chair: Marc Mignolet
CoChair: Christian Soize
Recent advances in mass matrix templates for structural dynamics (Keynote Lecture)
Carlos A. Felippa, Qiong Guo and K. C. Park

A scalable parallel symmetric eigenvalue problem solver: TraceMIN
Ahmed H. Sameh and Alicia Klinvex

Impulse based substructuring as paradigm for coupled analysis of dynamic components
Daniel Rixen and Paul van de Valk

Finite deformation beams for problems of interaction
Igor Sokolov, Slava Krylov and Isaac Harari

Assessment of boundary conditions for dynamic analysis
Guido De Roeck

Selection algorithm for bilinear modes
Mohammad S. Hamzah, Stefano Zucca and Bogdan I. Epureanu