22/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
HPC-Based CFD Simulations for Industrial Applications IV
Minisymposium organized by Mariano Vázquez, Makoto Tsubokura , Takayuki Aoki and Mike Nicolai
Room: Mare Nostrum B
Chair: Makoto Tsubokura
Challenges in efficient parallel simulations of spatially resolved packed-bed chromatography
Mike Nicolai, Andreas Püttmann, Eric von Lieres and Marek Behr

Validation of local SGS models for high Reynolds number flow
Ken Uzawa, Kenji Ono and Takanori Uchida

Testing Eddy viscosity based and numerically based Les Turbulence Models in the HPC code alya
Herbert Owen, Matias Avila, Daniel Mira, Ruslan Gabbasov, Guillaume Houzeaux and Mariano Vázquez

Adressing top supercomputers with anisotropic mesh adaptation and multigrid solvers
Hugues Digonnet, Luisa Silva and Thierry Coupez

Multi-GPU uncertainty quantification for large-scale flow problems
Peter Zaspel, Christian Rieger and Michael Griebel

Detail-preserving mesh simplification for scientific visualization
Miguel A. Pasenau and Carlos Andújar