23/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques II
Minisymposium organized by Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Pierre Ladevèze and Hermann Matthies
Room: Sala H 2
Chair: Elias Cueto
CoChair: Hermann G. Matthies
Real-time direct integration of (Hyper-)Elastodynamics by PGD techniques (Keynote Lecture)
David González, Elías Cueto and Francisco Chinesta

PGD based model reduction of updated-Lagrangian Meshless Discretization
Diego Canales, Jose V. Aguado, Adrien Leygue, Francisco Chinesta, Icíar Alfaro, Elías Cueto, Eric Feulvarch and Jean-Michel Bergheau

PGD method with material non-linearities with enthalpic approach applied foundry
Pierre Despret, Jean-Luc Dulong and Pierre Villon

Parallelisation strategies for the proper generalized decomposition on massively parallel architectures (GPU)
Domenico Borzacchiello, Adrien Leygue, Felipe Bordeu and Francisco Chinesta

Optimal projections for reduced order models
Assad A. Oberai and Jayanth Jagalur-Mohan

A numerically stable a posteriori error estimator for reduced basis approximations of elliptic equations
Andreas Buhr, Christian Engwer, Mario Ohlberger and Stephan Rave

A semi-continuous formulation for goal-oriented reduced-order models
Lei Cheng, Stefano Mattei, Peter W. Fick and Steven J. Hulshoff