24/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Dynamics of Structures with Large Deformations I
Minisymposium organized by Johannes Gerstmayr and Peter Betsch
Room: Sala D1
Chair: Johannes Gerstmayr
CoChair: Peter Betsch
Energy-entropy-consistent time integration for nonlinear thermo-viscoelastic continua
Melanie Krüger, Michael Groß and Peter Betsch

Multifield formulation of plasticity
Bettina Schröder and Detlef Kuhl

Geometrically exact finite elements for Reissner beams: the exact dynamics for helical interpolation
Flavia Desiro, Xavier Merlhiot and Frédéric Boyer

Global format for nonlinear energy-momentum conserving time integration
Steen Krenk

Nonlinear vibrations of Shells: Experiments, Simulations and Applications
Marco Amabili and Rinaldo Garziera