24/7/2014    11:00 - 13:00
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering - ICME I
Minisymposium organized by Gottfried M. Laschet, Javier Llorca, Elisabeth A. Holm, Michele Chiumenti and Somnath Ghosh
Room: Sala D5
Chair: Javier LLorca
CoChair: Michele Chiumenti
Bayesian hierarchical modeling based micromechanics framework for integrated material and process design of failure critical components (Keynote Lecture)
Rajiv Shivpuri, Kuldeep Agarwal and Rohit Subramanian

Morphology optimization of microstructure for dual-component structural metals
Ikumu Watanabe, Gaku Nakamura and Kohei Yuge

A novel approach to multiscale homogenisation for 3D micro-structures
Philippe G. Young and David R. Raymont

Towards on-line state tracking with data-driven process models
Susanne Fischer and Norbert Link