21/7/2014    16:30 - 18:30
Methods for Cut and Composite Meshes: Theory, Algorithms and Applications I
Minisymposium organized by Erik Burman, Mats G. Larson, Anders Logg, André Massing and Wolfgang Wall
Room: Sala C1
Chair: Andre Massing
Fracture growth in a poroelastic medium
Katja Hanowski and Oliver Sander

A space-time cut finite element method for convection-diffusion problems on time dependent surfaces
Peter Hansbo, Mats G. Larson and Sara Zahedi

Robust NXFEM method for a nonconforming approximation of an elliptic problem
Daniela Capatina, Stéphanie Delage Santacreu, Hammou El Otmany and Didier Graebling

A Nitsche-XFEM fictitious domain method for an immersed thin-walled structure in an incompressible fluid
Frédéric Alauzet, Erik Burman, Benoit Fabrèges and Miguel A. Fernández

Approximation of flows in fractured porous media by enriched mixed finite elements
Luca Formaggia, Guido Iori and Anna Scotti

A face-oriented stabilized XFEM approach for convection dominated flow problems using cut elements
Benedikt Schott, Andre Massing and Wolfgang A. Wall