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Number of visits: 201744

Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas. Contributions to these sessions are by invitation of the organizers.

Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.

The preliminary list of confirmed Invited Sessions follows:

Advanced Discretization and Solution Techniques for Unfitted Finite Elements in Coupled Problems
Organized by Santiago Badia, Erik Burman, André Massing, Maxim Olshanskii, Francesc Verdugo, Arnold Reusken

Advances in Modelling Multiscale Systems and their Applications
Organized by Roderick Melnik, Elena Akhmatskaya

Advanced Models and Reduced Methods in Fluid and Fluid- structure Interaction Problems
Organized by Annalisa Quaini, Gianluigi Rozza

Algorithmic and Software Advances in Coupling Methods for Climate Models
Organized by Pavel Bochev, R. Jacob

Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Miltiphase Porous Media
Organized by Lorenzo Sanavia, Claudio Tamagnini

Computational Nanomedicine
Organized by Paolo Decuzzi

Coupled and Multi-Scale Bioengineering Problems
Organized by Ziemowit Ostrowski, Wojciech Adamczyk, Eduardo Divo, Alain Kassab

Coupled Multiphysics Problems: Discretization Approaches and Solution Methods
Organized by Matthias Mayr, Guglielmo Scovazzi, Michael W. Gee

Coupled Problems in Electromagnetics
Organized by Federico Moro, Lorenzo Codecasa

Coupled Problems in Multiphase Systems
Organized by Božidar Šarler

Coupling FEA with Clinical Applications
Organized by Zohary Yosibash

Coupled Simulations for the Assessment of Environmental and Man-made Effects on Structures
Organized by Ricardo Rossi, Eugenio Oñate, Kai Uwe Bletzinger, Roland Wuechner

Coupled Thermomechanical Modeling of Material Forming Process
Organized by Carlos Agelet de Saracibar, Jean-Philippe Ponthot

Coupled Thermal Hydraulics, FSI, or Neutronics Problems in Nuclear Fission Applications
Organized by Alex Skillen, Charles Moulinec, Juan  Uribe, Guillaume Houzeaux 

Credible Simulations with Accuracy Control and Uncertainty Quantification
Organized by Rubén Sevilla, Régis Cottereau, Matteo Giacomini and Pedro Díez

Data-Driven Coupled Computational Mechanics
Organized by: Francisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Pierre Ladeveze

Embedded Domain Methods for Coupled Problems
Organized by Ernst Rank, Alexander Düster

Flows in Porous Media for Industrial Applications
Organized by Francesco Picano, Dario Maggiolo

Interdisciplinary Modeling, Analysis and Simulation in the Era of Big Data
Organized by Jacques Periaux, W. Fitzgibbon  , D. Greiner

Iterative Methods for Coupled Field Problems
Organized by Haim Waisman, Suvranu De, John Shadid

Immersed Methods for CFD and Fluid-Structure Interaction
Organized by Hugo Casquero, Ming-Chen Hsu, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Hector Gomez

Mathematical Modeling of Strongly Nonlinear Mechanical Dissipative Systems
Organized by Alexey Kireenkov, Alexander V. Karapetyan

Model Reduction in Computational Mechanics
Organized by Simona Perotto,Alessandro Reali, Alessandro Veneziani

Multi-physics Modeling in Energy Applications: Multi-phase and Electrochemical Problems
Organized by Pavel Ryzhakov, Marc Secanell

Multiscale, Multiphase and Multiphysics Coupled Modeling of Cementitious Materials
Organized by Carmelo Majorana,Jaroslav Kruis, Beatrice Pomaro

Multi-physics Modeling and Multi-Scale Simulation of Aging and Deteriorating Materials
Organized by Manfred Krafczyk, Laura De Lorenzis, Ursula Kowalsky, Dieter Dinkler

Multi-physics Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE
Organized by Miriam Mehl, Benjamin Uekerman

Multiphysics Simulations with Time Resolved Turbulent Flow Fields
Organized by Dörte C. Sternel, Thorsten Reimann  

Nonlinear Analysis of Elastoplastic Deformation
Organized by Koichi Hashiguchi, Yuki Yamakawa

Numerical Analysis for Solids and Structures
Organized by Koichi Hashiguchi, Yuji Tadano

Numerical Analysis in Geomechanics
Organized by Akira Murakami, Koichi Hashiguchi

Partitioned Methods, Uncertainty Quantification and Reduced Order Models for Coupled Problems
Organized by Hermann Matthies, Roger Ohayon, KC Park, Giuseppe Abbiati,  Michael Brun, Nicola Tondini

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
coupledproblems_sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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