About CM3 Conference
CM3 – Computational Multi Physics, Multi Scales and Multi Big Data offer new opportunities for innovative optimization methods supported by AI (e. g. machine or deep learning). They enable innovative design processes in Industry and research community in the view of the ambitious goal of zero or low emission aviation. Novel design concepts include full electric and hybrid-electric solutions for regional and short-range aircraft, green hydrogen or low carbon fuel powered aircraft and aero-engine architectures as well as autonomous air vehicles and UAS.
ECCOMAS Industry Interest Group
The ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG) is organizing this workshop focusing on aviation design challenges. It will provide answers to the opportunities by digitalization for green design and present examples of innovative design solutions. It is the fourth events of a series ECCOMAS Thematic Workshops on CM3 for Aviation and Transport and will be hosted by CIMNE/Technical Univ. of Catalonia UPC in Barcelona.
Who should be interested?
The Workshop addresses researchers and engineers from avia- tion industry, its supply chain including SME, software develo-pers, research centres and universities including PhD and Postdoc students.
Format of the Conference:
The Workshop will go over three days and will include:
The Workshop is planned as a physical event hosted by CIMNE in Barcelona. In view of the situation of the Corona-pandemic, the organisers will decide in due time, whether the event can take place physically as planned, or has to be transformed to a virtual event (on-line) or to a hybrid workshop (restricted on-site participation and on-line). The decision will be announced on the Workshop Web-site.
Workshop Topics on Computational Methods:
Aviation Application Areas
Low emission aircraft concepts
Novel urban air vehicles
Full electric and hybrid-electric solutions
Innovative UAV concepts
Efficient gas turbines
Hydrogen and low-carbon fuel-powered architectures
Low drag wing design
Flow control applications
MDO (aero-acoustics, aero-elastic, …)