During the last decades the study and conservation of historical structures has attained high technological and scientific standards. Today’s practice involves the combination of innovative non-destructive inspection technologies, sophisticated monitoring systems, advanced numerical models for structural analysis, and respectful intervention solutions for restoration and retrofit. More than ever, it is understood that the studies must be performed by interdisciplinary teams integrating wide expertise (engineering, architecture, history, archeology, geophysics, chemistry…). Moreover, the holistic nature of the studies and the need to encompass and combine the different scales of the problem – the materials, the structures and the environment – are now increasingly acknowledged. Due to all this, the study of historical structures is still facing very strong challenges that can be only addressed through sound international scientific cooperation.
Taking these ideas in mind, the 12th edition of the SAHC conference aims at creating a new opportunity for the exchange and discussion of novel concepts, technologies and practical experiences on the study, conservation and management of historical constructions. We are most pleased to welcome you to join this international event in which, furthermore, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the SAHC conference series.