This area is for Authors only

Submission of contributions and conference registration should be performed electronically on the conference web site here.

About Abstract and Full Paper Submission

  • Abstract submission is closed

  • The full paper (not mandatory) will be required by May 31, 2019.

    The submission of the full paper is not mandatory but highly recommended. The conference proceedings (full papers only) will be submitted for indexation in the Data Citation Index – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and in SCOPUS database. They will be also electronically issued on the IASS repository as part of the ‘Proceedings of the IASS Symposia’ series with ISSN number.
  • To upload the full paper, please log in as registered participant and then submit the following files:

      • The paper in .pdf format
      • The signed copyright declaration in .pdf format available here

    Please note that your paper cannot be accepted for inclusion in the online proceedings unless the format specified in the template is strictly followed.

  • Download Templates

To make any change in the contribution submitted you have to login as the registered participant, update the paper information and submit the new file.

If you want to check that the submission was successful, refresh the web site and login on again.

To avoid a double registration, please do not create a new record.

Please note that:

  • The corresponding author should be the lecturer.

  • Presenting authors are required to finalize their registration before May 31, 2019 in order to get the presentation included in the Conference Programme.

  • Only online payments will be accepted.

  • Only one presentation per registration is allowed.

  • If you intend to apply for the Hangai Prize, please be aware that you have to upload your full paper to the Hangai Prize website by March 31st, and also upload it to the conference website by May 31st.

You can contact the Conference Secretariat for any question.

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