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Number of visits: 95955

Programme Overview

Sunday, May 26

17:00 - 20:30


Monday, May 27

08:45 - 11:45


11:45 - 12:15

Opening Ceremony

12:15 - 13:00

Plenary Lecture I - Antonio Huerta


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Juan José Ródenas

13:00 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:15

Technical sessions
IS - Industrial challenges: Machine Learning, Large Scale Problems, Nonlinear Behaviors I

Invited Session organized by Fabien Casenave, Nissrine Akkari and David Ryckelynck


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: David Ryckelynck

IS - Advanced Computational Tools for Data Assimilation and Inverse Analysis

Invited Session organized by Ludovic Chamoin


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Ludovic Chamoin

IS - Advanced methods and applications in mesh adaptation I

Invited Session organized by Suzanne Shontz and Thomas Toulorge


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Thomas Toulorge

16:15 - 16:45


16:45 - 18:15

Technical sessions
IS - Industrial challenges: Machine Learning, Large Scale Problems, Nonlinear Behaviors II

Invited Session organized by Fabien Casenave, Nissrine Akkari and David Ryckelynck


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Nissrine Akkari

IS - Applications of Goal Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity I

Invited Session organized by Serge Prudhomme


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Serge Prudhomme

IS - Advanced methods and applications in mesh adaptation II

Invited Session organized by Suzanne Shontz and Thomas Toulorge


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Suzanne Shontz

18:30 - 19:15

Plenary Lecture II - Victor Calo


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Pedro Díez

20:00 - 21:30

Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday, May 28

08:30 - 09:15

Plenary Lecture III - K. Veroy-Grepl


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Simona Perotto

09:30 - 11:00

Technical sessions
IS - Industrial challenges: Machine Learning, Large Scale Problems, Nonlinear Behaviors III

Invited Session organized by Fabien Casenave, Nissrine Akkari and David Ryckelynck


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Fabien Casenave

IS - Applications of Goal Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity II

Invited Session organized by Serge Prudhomme


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Serge Prudhomme

IS - Advanced methods and applications in mesh adaptation III

Invited Session organized by Suzanne Shontz and Thomas Toulorge


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Suzanne Shontz

11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 13:00

Technical sessions
IS - Model Order Reduction and applications to industrial problems I

Invited Session organized by Luca Borchini, Vasileios Tsiolakis and Ramiro Mena


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Luca Borchini

CoChair: Rubén Ibáñez Pinillo

IS - Applications of Goal Oriented Error Estimation and Adaptivity III

Invited Session organized by Serge Prudhomme


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Serge Prudhomme

Error Estimation


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Pedro Díez

13:00 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:15

Technical sessions
IS - Model Order Reduction and applications to industrial problems II

Invited Session organized by Luca Borchini, Vasileios Tsiolakis and Ramiro Mena


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Giacomo Quaranta

Co-Chair 2: Simona Vermiglio

IS - Advances in optimization problems based on error estimators and mesh adaptation I

Invited Session organized by Simona Perotto and Matteo Giacomini


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Matteo Giacomini

Advanced Modeling techiques


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Juan José Ródenas

16:15 - 17:15

Coffee + Poster Session

17:45 - 23:00

Tourist Visit to Elche and Banquet

Wednesday, May 29

09:30 - 11:15

Technical sessions
IS - Model Order Reduction and applications to industrial problems III

Invited Session organized by Luca Borchini, Vasileios Tsiolakis and Ramiro Mena


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Guillem Barroso

CoChair: Ramiro Mena

Co-Chair 2: Vasileios Tsiolakis

IS - Advances in optimization problems based on error estimators and mesh adaptation II

Invited Session organized by Simona Perotto and Matteo Giacomini


Room: Sala Acantilado 2

Chair: Simona Perotto

Optimization tools


Room: Sala Acantilado 3

Chair: Enrique Nadal

11:15 - 11:45


11:45 - 12:30

Plenary Lecture IV - Fredrik Larsson


Room: Sala Acantilado 1

Chair: Enrique Nadal

12:30 - 13:00

Closing Ceremony

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
admos@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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