Optimization tools | WeM01O03 Room: Sala Acantilado 3 Chair: Enrique Nadal | Improvement in 3D Topology Optimization with h-adaptive refinement using Cartesian Grids Finite Element Method (cgFEM) D. Muñoz, J.J. Ródenas, E. Nadal and J. Albelda Abstract | A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for acoustic liner optimization C. Sanghavi, H. Bériot, G. Gabard and O. Dazel Abstract | Design and Optimization of a Valveless Micropump under Uncertainties using Evolutionary Algorithms D. Kapsoulis, K. Samouchos, X. Trompoukis and K. Giannakoglou Abstract | Railway rolling noise minimization by topology optimization techniques using the mixed FE formulation B. Ferrándiz, F.D. Denia, J. Martínez-Casas, E. Nadal and J.J. Ródenas Abstract |