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Pavia, called Ticinum in antiquity, is situated in south-western Lombardy, 35 km south of Milan on the lower Ticino river near its confluence with the Po, and is the capital of a fertile province essentially devoted to agriculture (wine, rice, cereals, dairy products). Longobard capital for two centuries, its fascination remains intact with the centre’s maze of narrow streets, ancient churches and elegant buildings all bordered by the River Ticino.

Tourist Information

City of Pavia

Some industries located in the suburbs do not disturb the peaceful atmosphere which comes from the preservation of the city's past and the climate of study and meditation associated with its ancient University.

Culturally speaking, Pavia has much to offer: There are 19 museums and various collections, 22 public libraries and university circuit libraries, cinemas and theatres, social-cultural meeting places, a music conservatory and civic schools of music and arts.

The countless events, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, meeting places and university sports events combine to create an intellectually stimulating stage and the ideal place to live and study.

Visconti Castle

Bellisomi-Vistarino Palace

Certosa di Pavia

Ponte Coperto - Old Bridge

University of Pavia

Pavia is a place for students to call home. Founded in Roman times, Pavia population today is made up of approximately 70,000 inhabitants and 24,000 students.

University of Pavia - Top View

University of Pavia - Aula Magna

University of Pavia - Magnolia Court

University of Pavia - Teresian salon, Library

Collegio Borromeo - Loggia

Collegio Borromeo - Garden


Piazza Ducale, Vigevano, one of the first models of a Renaissance square.

Smooth hills, medieval villages and castles, panoramic views in the Oltrepo Pavese

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