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Number of visits: 305989

Invited Sessions

Additive Manufacturing: Applications of Measurements in Simulations
Organized by:
Brandon Lane, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S.A

Additive manufacturing for biomedical applications
Organized by:
Michele Conti, Università di Pavia, Italy
Michele Marino, University of Hannover, Germany

Advanced Simulation Technologies in Additive Manufacturing
Organized by:
Davide Baroli, University of Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Stéphane Bordas, University of Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Bernhard Peters, University of Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Constitutive Modelling and advanced simulation techniques for the simulation of AM processes
Organized by:
Thorsten Bartel, Technical University Dortmund, Germany
Julia Mergheim, FAU, Germany

Efficient approaches for simulating additive manufacturing
Organized by:
Lars-Erik Lindgren, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Andreas Lundbäck, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Albert To, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Mathematical methods for optimal design of structures
Organized by:
Matteo Giacomini, UPC, Spain
Simona Perotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Mathematical modelling and analysis for advanced structural design, simulation and optimization
Organized by:
Dietmar Hoemberg, TU Berlin, Germany
Carlo Lovadina, University of Milan, Italy
Elisabetta Rocca, University of Pavia, Italy

Microstructure evolution of alloys during additive manufacturing
Organized by:
Matthias Markl, FAU, Germany
Carolin Körner, FAU, Germany

Modeling and simulation of powder bed additive manufacturing processes
Organized by:
Laura de Lorenzis, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Stefan Kollmannsberger, Technical University Munich, Germany
Ernst Rank, Technical University Munich, Germany
Michele Chiumenti, CIMNE/UPC, Spain

Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Manufacturing of Functional Materials
Organized by:
Giulia Scalet, Universitŕ di Pavia, Italy
Mohammad Elahinia, University of Toledo, USA

New trends in 4D printing
Organized by:
Giulia Scalet, Università di Pavia, Italy
Stefano Pandini, Università di Brescia, Italy

Simulation and Fatigue in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Organized by:
Gianni Nicoletto, University of Parma, Italy
Nicolas Saintier, ENSAM Paris, France

Simulation in the design of AM devices
Organized by:
Hermes Giberti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Topology and shape optimization for AM-ready design
Organized by:
Albert To, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Fred van Keulen, TU Delft, Netherlands
Oliver Weeger, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Gengdong Cheng, Dalian University of Technology, China
Junji Kato, Nagoya University, Japan
Ole Sigmund,Technical University Denmark, Denmark

Volumetric spline representations and Isogeometric Analysis for Additive Manufacturing
Organized by:
Tor Dokken, SINTEF, Norway
Gershon Elber, Technion, Israel

Invited sessions are managed by single colleagues, who are willing to collect other colleagues on topics related to the conference. Invited sessions do not necessarily need to have title which coincide with the ones for General Sessions

Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
SIM-AM_Sec@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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