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Number of visits: 233364

Practical Information and Instructions for Authors


All attendees are required to check-in at the registration desks.
A few days previous to the Conference dates you will receive by e-mail your Conference voucher to be printed and presented at the registration desk. Recall to print out this document to avoid queuing in peak time registration.

Secretariat Timetable:

Tuesday September 26th - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
From Wednesday September 27th to Thursday September 28th - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Identification Name Tag:

Participants are reminded to wear their name tags at all times while in the conference area. Access will be prohibited to the break and technical session areas if the name tag is not visible.

Lunch Time:

Lunch will be provided.

Internet Access:

Wireless Internet access will be available in the premises of the conference venue.
Moderate access to the Internet will be much appreciated.


Each regular presentation is allotted 20 minutes, and each Plenary Lecture presentation is allotted 40 minutes. Time includes questions.

All parallel session rooms will be equipped with a PC and a PC Projector.

Recommendations for your presentation:

The only connector available on the projector will be VGA. We suggest you to take with you any adaptor needed to connect your laptop to the VGA cable.
In order to prepare your slides for oral presentation please take also into account that the projectors available at the venue of the conference will have a resolution of 1024x768 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio).
If you are using PowerPoint, we recommend you to adjust the slide size in Design->Page Setup menu and choose 4:3 ratio to ensure the compatibility. To upload your presentation you are kindly requested to go to the session room a few minutes before your session starts and contact the person in charge.

Should you have any question please contact the Conference secretariat.


PARTICLES 2017 Social Events are the Welcome Reception and the Banquet Dinner.

Participation in these events is included in the registration fees, but tickets must be pre-booked.

If you want to purchase additional tickets for accompanying persons you are kindly requested to place the order through your personal account in the Conference a.s.a.p. (table seats are limited, tickets are required).

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering Barcelona, Spain
particle-basedmethod@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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