Dynamic failure of materials using the material point method in CTH
S.C. Schumacher*, K.P. Ruggirello and B. Kashiwa
Numerical simulation of a small scale dynamic replacement stone column creation experiment
W.T. Sołowski*, S.W. Sloan, P.T. Kanty and S. Kwiecień
Failure of a geotextile-reinforced embankment using the material point method (MPM)
F.M. Hamad*, P.A. Vermeer and C. Moormann
Material point method for geomechanical installation problems: simulation of cone penetration testing and pile driving
L. Beuth*, I. Jassim and P.A. Vermeer
Recent developments in particle-based method for simulation of explosive blast
C. Bonifasi-Lista, R.M. Brannon* and J.E. Guilkey