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Number of visits: 119260

Tuesday, October 25th

16:00 - 18:00

Wednesday, October 26th

09:00 - 09:30
Opening Session
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)
09:30 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures I
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Discrete Element Methods in Structural Mechanics
M. Bischoff, E. Ramm, B. Schneider and A. Sorg

Particle Methods and Real Time Computational Mechanics
S.R. Idelsohn, N. Nigro and E. Oñate

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
IS - Applications of Particle-based Methods in Geo-mechanical and Mining Problems
Invited Session organized by Geir Horrigmoe and Kent Tano
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Qualitative Statistical Analysis of Simulated Data from a Pilot Scale Mill
J. Alatalo and B.I. Pålsson

Simulation of Stresses in Iron Ore Pellets for Confined Compression-tests using the Multi Particle Finite Element Method
G. Gustafsson, H-Å. Häggblad and P. Jonsén

Discrete Modelling of a Rockfall Protective System
K. Thoeni, C. Lambert, A. Giacomini and S.W. Sloan

Modelling Cohesive-Frictional Particulate Solids for Bulk Handling Applications
J.P. Morrissey, S.C. Thakur, J. Sun, J.F. Chen and J.Y. Ooi

Applying Nonsmooth DEM in Geometric Design Optimization of a Balling Drum Outlet
D. Wang, M. Servin, M. Forsman and K-O. Mickellsson

Particle Finite Element Method Applied to Modelling Granular Material Flow in Industrial Processes
C. Dávalos, J. Cante, R. Weyler, J. Oliver and J. Hernandez

Multi-body and Non-linear Dynamics WeM02
Room: Master (B. A3)

Multibody Contact Dynamics with Corotational Finite Elements and Rough Background Mesh
T. Koziara, L.  Kaczmarczyk and N. Bićanić

Coupled Multibody-Particle Simulations - An Integral Approach
F. Fleissner and P. Eberhard

Cosimulation of MBD (Multi Body Dynamics) and DEM of Many Spheres using GPU Technology
J.S. Yoon, J.S. Park, C.O. Ahn and J.H. Choi

Granular Contact Dynamics using Mathematical Programming Methods
K. Krabbenhoft, X. Zhang, A.V. Lyamin and D. Sheng

Composites WeM03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

On the Validity of the Carman-Kozeny Equation in Random Fibrous Media
K. Yazdchi, S. Srivastava and S. Luding

Influence of Porosity Percolation on Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials. 3D Simulation using Movable Cellular Automata
A.Y. Smolin, N.V. Roman, D.S. Loginova, I.S. Konovalenko and S.G. Psakhie

Particle Modeling of Dynamic Fracture in Fiber-based Materials
J. Persson and P. Isaksson

Multi-scale Modelling of Damage Progression in FRC Laminates - Applications of DEM
D.M. Yang, Y. Sheng, J.Q. Ye and Y.Q. Tan

Fracture Roughness of Concrete Sample with Hard Inclusions
J.F. Jerier, F. Gatuingt and J.F. Molinari

Multiphase Flows I WeM04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

Application of SPH Method for Modelling the Flow of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete
S. Kulasegaram, B.L. Karihaloo and R. Deeb

Numerical Simulation of Particle-Laden Turbulent Flow using Discrete Element Method
H. Zhang, F.X. Trias, Y.Q. Tan, D.M. Yang, Y. Sheng and A. Oliva

Simulation of Fluid–particle Flows using the PFEM-DEM Coupled Algorithm
J. Rojek and E. Oñate

Microstructure-permeability Predictions for Random Fibrous Media
K. Yazdchi and S. Luding

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation of Non-Spherical Particle Suspensions
P. Polfer, A. Wonisch and T. Kraft

Discrete Element Methods I WeM05
Room: C1001 (B. C1)

Effect of Particle Shape Non-Convexity on the Rheology of Granular Media: 3D Contact Dynamics Simulations
B. Saint-Cyr, E. Azéma, J-Y. Delenne, F. Radjaï and P. Sornay

Formulation and Procedure to Treat a Discrete Particle Model as a Continuum
D. del Olmo and A. Serrano

Determination of the RVE Size of Quasi-Brittle Materials using the Discrete Element Method
F. Montero and F. Medina

Development of Discrete Element Approach to Modeling Heterogeneous Elastic-Plastic Materials and Media
E.V. Shilko, A.Y. Smolin, S.V. Astafurov and S.G. Psakhie

3D Virtual Laboratory for Geotechnical Applications: Another Perspective
V. Roubtsova, M. Chekired, B. Morin and M. Karray

Discrete Element Modeling Approach to Porosimetry for Durability Risk Estimation of Concrete
P. Stroeven, N.L. Le, M. Stroeven and L.J. Sluys

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Fragmentation of Solids using DEM I
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm, Manfred Bischoff and Giovanni Di Luzio
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Mesoscopic Scale Modeling of Concrete under Triaxial Loading using X-Ray Tomographic Images
C. Poinard, E. Piotrowska, P. Marin, Y. Malecot and L. Daudeville

Towards Interface Constitutive Modeling for Polygonal Discrete Elements
B. Schneider, G.A. D‘Addetta and E. Ramm

Effective Permeability Changes of Heat-Exposed Structural Concrete Containing Polypropylene Fibers
J.E. Bolander and P. Grassl

A Lattice Model for Coupling of Fracture and Mass Transport in Concrete
P. Grassl and J.E. Bolander

First Principle Simulation of Dense-packed Shear Bands of Rotating Fragments
J.A. Åström

IS - Use of Particle Based Methods in Naval Hydrodynamics
Invited Session organized by Leigh McCue-Weil
Room: Master (B. A3)

Performance and Capability Enhancements to applied Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
V.S. Jones, Q. Yang and L. McCue-Weil

SPH Simulation of Complex Ship Flows
A. Marsh, G. Oger and D. Le Touzé

Particle Methods Parallel Implementations by GP-GPU Strategies
A. Rey-Villaverde , J.L. Cercós, A. Souto-Iglesias and L.M. González

The Application of Lagrangian Vortex Methods to the Prediction of Hydrodynamic Damping of Floating Bodies
J.M. Graham

Advances in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) in Naval Hydrodynamics
M.A. Celigueta, S. Latorre, S.R. Idelsohn, R. Rossi, P. Dadvand and E. Oñate

Damage, Fracture & Failure WeA03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

Calibration of Particle-based Models using Cells with Periodic Boundary Conditions
J. Stránský and M. Jirásek

Fracturing in Concrete via Lattice-Particle Model
J. Eliáš and Z.P. Bažant

Statistical Mechanics as Guidance for Particle-Based Computational Methods
I.G. Tejada and R. Jimenez

The Effects of Rolling Resistance on the Stress-Strain and Strain Localization Behavior of Granular Materials due to Simple Shear Loading Conditions
A. Muftah and M. Gutierrez

Failure in Porous Granular Aggregates
R. Affes, V. Topin, J-Y. Delenne, Y. Monerie and F. Radjaï

Multiphase Flows II WeA04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

Simulation of Underwater Shockwave by Corrective Smoothed Particle Method (CSPM)
S.A. Madani and S. Mohammadi

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability by SPH
M. Safdari Shadloo and M. Yildiz

Simulation of Underwater Implosion Problems with the PFEM
K. Kamran, R. Rossi, E. Oñate and S.R. Idelsohn

A Liquid-Modified Contact Model for Discrete-Element Simulation for the Avalanche of Immersed Granulates
F-L. Yang, W.Z. Chang, C.S. Chen and S.H. Hsieh

Bio-Medical Engineering WeA05
Room: C1001 (B. C1)

Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Artificial Blood Vessels with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
C. Bierwisch, T. Ziegler and M. Moseler

Human Body Damage Analysis by SPH method
X. Lu, H. Kitakawa, T. Mukai and Y. Sakai

Blood Flow in Micro-Sized Physiological Conduits using Moving-Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) Method
A.M. Gambaruto and A. Rodríguez-Rozas

Application of Particles Code to Cell Seeding on Scaffold for Functional Tissue Engineering
A.  Olivares and D. Lacroix

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Fragmentation of Solids using DEM II
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm, Manfred Bischoff and Giovanni Di Luzio
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Generalized Microplane Model (GMP) for the Continuous Description of Discrete Systems
G. Cusatis, X. Zhou and G. Di Luzio

Adaptive Discrete-Continuous Modelling of Evolving Discontinuities
A. Sorg and M. Bischoff

Simulation of Capillary Shrinkage Cracking in Plastic Cement Paste
V. Slowik

Universality Class of the Fragmentation of Plastic Materials
F. Kun, G. Timár, J. Blömer and H.J. Herrmann

Free Surface Flows and FSI WeE02
Room: Master (B. A3)

Shallow Granular Avalanche Flows
T. Weinhart, A.R. Thornton, S. Luding and O. Bokhove

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modeling of Hydraulic Jumps
P. Jonsson, P. Jonsén, P. Andreasson, T.S. Lundström and G. Hellström

Applications of the Particle Finite Element Method in Dam Engineering
F. Salazar, D. Pozo, R. Morán and E. Oñate

Advances in the Particle Finite Element Method for FSI: A Modified Fractional Step Approach
P. Ryzhakov, E. Oñate, R. Rossi and S.R. Idelsohn

Applications WeE03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

Finite Pointset Method (FPM): Optimized Meshfree Solver for Airbag Deployment Simulations
J. Kuhnert, L. Aschenbrenner and A. Trameçon

Study of the Charging of a Blast Furnace with a Rotating Chute using the Discrete Element Method
M.L. Sawley, S-A. Zaïmi and D. Sert

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Developer Flow in a Developing Machine
M. Tanaka, T. Masunaga, T. Watanabe and K. Sato

Influence of Impact Velocity on the Fragment Formation of Concrete Specimens
S. Werner and K-C. Thienel

Numerical Simulations of Granular Media Composed with Irregular Polyhedral Particles: Effect of Particles’ Angularity
E. Azéma, F. Radjaï and F. Dubois

Meshless Methods WeE04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

A Modified Stokesian Dynamics Method for Mineral Suspensions
A. Sand, M. Toivakka and J. Rosenkranz

Meshfree Large Deformation Analysis with Modified Formulation of Floating Stress-point Integration
Y. Onishi, K. Amaya and R. Imai

Meshfree Method for the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes Equations
A. Pandey, A. Klar and S. Tiwari

The Normalized Quadrature Method of Moments coupled with Finite Pointset Method
T. Wächtler, J. Kuhnert, M. Attarakih, S. Tiwari, A. Klar and H.J. Bart

Hamiltonian Particle Mesh Methods -for Vlasov-Poisson Dynamics
O. Bokhove and J. Frank

Multi-physics and Multiscale Problems WeE05
Room: C1001 (B. C1)

Adaptive-Forcing Boundary Conditions for Molecular Dynamics in Hybrid Particle-Continuum Simulations
R. Steijl and G. Barakos

Molecular-Dynamics Investigation of Nano-Burnishing Process
V. Kuznetsov, A. Nikonov and A. Dmitriev

Clean Tranfer of Inertial Properties from Particles to the MD Cell
A. DiCarlo, M. Minozzi and P. Podio-Guidugli

Soft Versus Hard Metastable Conformations in Molecular Simulations
K. Fackeldey, S. Röblitz, O. Scharkoi and M.  Weber

19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception

Thursday, October 27th

09:00 - 10:30
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

On Different DEM-FEM Coupling Schemes in Engineering Applications
P. Wriggers, V. Avci and C. Wellmann

Large Scale Simulation of Geophysical, Biomechanical and Engineering Systems using Particle Methods
P.W. Cleary

10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 13:00
IS - Discrete Modelling of Failure in Geomaterials I
Invited Session organized by Gaël Combe and Ali Daouadji
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Micro-Mechanical Investigation of Shear Strength of Granular Materials
H.S. Yu and X. Li

Scaling Analysis of Deformation Field within Granular Materials: Application to Strain Localization
F. Gimbert, G. Combe, D. Amitrano and J. Weiss

Micro-and Macro Modelling of the Influence of Grain Crushing of a Cohesionless Granular Material under Compression
I. Laufer, K. Bagi and E. Bauer

Discrete Element Modelling Methodology Incorporating Various Aspects of Particle Morphology
S. Thomas, C.  Hurt, N.  Das, A.K. Ashmawy, A. Daouadji and B. Sukumaran

Numerical Simulations of Sand Behaviour using DEM with two Different Descriptions of Grain Roughness
J. Kozicki and J. Tejchman

New Perspectives in Failure Analysis in Discrete Assemblies
F. Nicot, N. Hadda, F. Bourrier, L. Sibille and F. Darve

IS - Particle Methods for Micro/Nano Flow-Problems I
Invited Session organized by Marco Ellero, Xiangyu Hu and Nikolaus A. Adams
Room: Master (B. A3)

Rheological Properties of Fluids studied by Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics
A. Vázquez-Quesada, M. Ellero and P. Español

Micromechanics in Biological Cells: a Multiscale Modeling Approach
P. Van Liedekerke, P. Ghysels, E. Tijskens and H. Ramon

Blood Flow in Micro-Channels
D.A. Fedosov, J. Fornleitner and G. Gompper

Instabilities in Thin Capillary Films induced by Dynamic Wetting: from Fingers to Drop Emission
I. Pagonabarraga

Simulating the Dynamic Behavior of Droplet in a Grooved Channel by Dissipative Particle Dynamics
M.K. Zhang, S. Chen and Z. Shang

Geomechanics I ThM03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

Numerical Modelling of Underwater Avalanches
P. Mutabaruka, J-Y. Delenne, F. Radjaï and S. Kenichi

A 3D Generalized Rigid Particle Contact Model for Rock Fracture
N. Monteiro Azevedo and J. Vieira de Lemos

Investigation of Dilatancy in Block-Structured Geological Medium on the Base of Movable Cellular Automaton Method
S.V. Astafurov, E.V. Shilko, A.V. Andreev and S.G. Psakhie

Advances in Excavation Modelling using the PFEM
J.M. Carbonell, E. Oñate and B. Suárez

Advanced Monitoring and Numerical Techniques for Assessing the Stability of Tunnels
H.M. Chen, H.S. Yu and M. Smith

Simulation of Clay Soil De-Compaction by Subsoiling Process using Discrete Element Method
E. López, E. Tijskens, M. Herrera and H. Ramon

Discrete Element Methods II ThM04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

A Discrete Element Approach in Fracture Mechanics of Brittle Materials
B.D. Le, G. Koval and C. Chazallon

DEM Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of SiC Ceramic under Pre-stressing
S.Q. Jiang, Y.Q. Tan, H. Zhang, D.M. Yang and G.F. Zhang

Strategies for Simulation Software Quality Assurance Applied to Open Source DEM
S. Amberger, C. Goniva, A. Hager and C. Kloss

Open Source DEM with LIGGGHTS: Code Overview and Parallel Scalability
C. Kloss, C. Goniva and S. Pirker

Examining Smooth and Nonsmooth Discrete Element Approaches to Granular Matter
M. Servin, K. Bodin, C. Lacoursière and D. Wang

Fast and Accurate Numerical Solution for Heat Conduction in Particulate Systems
C.F. Li, Y.T. Feng and R. Owen

Parallel Computing in GPU and Multicore Machines ThM05
Room: C1001 (B. C1)

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on GPU Computing
A.J. Crespo, J.M. Dominguez, D. Valdez-Balderas, B.D. Rogers and M. Gomez-Gesteira

Variational Formulation for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on GPU
L.F. Ramirez-Cifuentes and O.D. Lopez

On the GPU Computing of Massive Forming Process Simulations
G.P. Ostermeyer and K. Fischer

Simulation of Flow in Oil Reservoirs using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Lattice Boltzmann Methods and Multi-Core Parallelism
C. Leonardi, D. Holmes, J. Williams and P. Tilke

Enabling Computational Dynamics in Distributed Computing Environments using a Heterogeneous Computing Template
T. Heyn, A. Seidl, H. Mazhar, D. Lamb, A. Tasora and D. Negrut

Constraint Based Particle Fluids on GPGPU
K. Bodin, C. Lacoursière, M. Nilsson and M. Servin

13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Time

14:00 - 16:00
IS - Discrete Modelling of Failure in Geomaterials II
Invited Session organized by Gaël Combe and Ali Daouadji
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Deformation of Granular Materials from Particle-Scale
X. Li and H.S. Yu

Quasistatic Granular Material Rheology from Particle Simulations
J-N. Roux

Numerical Stress Probing on a 2D Model Granular Material
F. Froiio and J-N. Roux

Metastable States, Micro-Instabilities and Stochastic Dynamics
F.  Radjaï

Progressive Failure Mechanisms in Jointed rock: Insight from 3D DEM Modelling
L. Scholtes and F.V. Donzé

IS - Particle Methods for Micro/Nano Flow-Problems II
Invited Session organized by Marco Ellero, Xiangyu Hu and Nikolaus A. Adams
Room: Master (B. A3)

Particle Hydrodynamics: from Molecular to Colloidal Fluids
F. Balboa Usabiaga and R. Delgado-Buscalioni

Elastic Instabilities in Channel-Flows Studied with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
M. Ellero and A. Vázquez-Quesada

SDPD Simulation of Colloidal Suspension
X. Bian, M. Ellero and N.A. Adams

A Fully Coupled 3D Transport Model in SPH for Multi-Species Reaction-Diffusion Systems
S. Adami, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, E.M. Ryan and A.M. Tartakovsky

Contact Line Hydrodynamics with SPH
S. Adami, X.Y. Hu and N.A. Adams

Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Polymer Solutions
S. Litvinov, M. Ellero, X.Y. Hu and N.A. Adams

Geomechanics II ThA03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

A Tangential Force-Displacement Model for Elastic Frictional Contact between Particles in Triaxial Test Simulations
P. Franken, S. François, E. Tijskens and G. Degrande

Effect of the Number of Contact Points on Shear Properties for Granular Materials
Y. Fukumoto, H. Sakaguchi and A. Murakami

Creep Behavior of Confined Layers of Polyhedral Grains
J.C. Quezada, F. Radjaï and G. Saussine

Adaptive Coupling of the Discrete and Boundary Element Method for the Simulation of Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
L. Malinowski, G. Karlis, G. Beer and J. Rojek

Industrial Processes ThA04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

Numerical Model based on Meshless Method to simulate FSW
A. Timesli, H. Zahrouni, B. Braikat, A. Moufki and H. Lahmam

Numerical Simulation of Continuous and Serrated Chip Formation using the Particle Finite Element Method
J. Rodríguez, J. Cante, J. Oliver, J. Hernandez and R. Weyler

Influence of the Size and Amount of Cork Particles on the Toughness of a Structural Adhesive
A.Q. Barbosa, L.F. da Silva , R.J. Carbas , J. Abenojar and J.C. del Real

ReALE - Reconnection-based Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Method
M. Shashkov, J. Breil, S.  Galera, R.  Loubere and P.H. Maire

Particle-filled Dental Composite: Shrinkage Induced Residual Stresses and Overall Mechanical Properties
O. Prejzek and T. Mares

Geosciences and Environment ThA05
Room: C1001 (B. C1)

A Visco-Rigid Model using PFEM for simulating the Failure of Non-cohesive Granular Material
A. Larese , R.  Rossi and E. Oñate

Simulation of Solute Transport in 3D Porous Media using Random Walk Particle Tracking Method
Y. Sun, C. Park, W. Wang and O. Kolditz

Breakage of Needle-Shaped Particles in a Combination of Compressive and Shearing Stress Field
Z. Grof, F. Stepanek and P. Rajniak

Modelling of Particles Size Segregation: Valiation and Calibration using the Discrete Element Method
A.R. Thornton, T. Weinhart and S. Luding

Incipient Sediment Transport for Non-Cohesive Landforms by the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
R. Bravo, P. Ortiz and J.L. Pérez-Aparicio

16:00 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30
IS - Discrete Modelling of Failure in Geomaterials III
Invited Session organized by Gaël Combe and Ali Daouadji
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Average Strain Tensor for Granular Material Involving Grain Rotation
O. Millet, F. Nicot and S. Bonelli

A DEM Based Constitutive Model with Anisotropy for Ratcheting in Axial-Symmetric Deformations of Granular Material
V. Magnanimo and S. Luding

Two-scale DEM-FEM Modeling of Granular Materials
M. Nitka, T.K. Nguyen, G.  Combe, C. Dascalu, D. Caillerie and J. Desrues

Studies of a Rock Cutting Process using the Discrete Element Model
J. Rojek, C. Labra and E. Oñate

Analysis of Micro-properties for Triaxial Behaviour on Coarse Aggregates using DEM
M.A. Tapias, E.E. Alonso and J.A. Gili

IS - Discrete Modelling in Cell and Tissue Mechanobiology
Invited Session organized by Jose Manuel Garcia-Aznar and Roger D. Kamm
Room: Master (B. A3)
Chair: Jose Manuel Garcia-Aznar

A Cellular-Discrete Formulation of Distraction Osteogenesis Including Vascular Ingrowth
E. Reina-Romo, M.J. Gómez-Benito, J. Domínguez and J.M. García-Aznar

Computational Model of 3-D Cross-linked Actin Networks: Mechanosensing Behaviour of Cells
T. Kim, C. Borau, J.M. García-Aznar and R.D. Kamm

Discrete Modelling of Collective Cell Migration in 3D
R. Rey and J.M. García-Aznar

Random-walk Simulation of Cell Migration and Proliferation
N. Garijo, R. Manzano, R. Osta and M.A. Pérez

Predicting Restenosis: Simulating Neointima Formation in Stented Arteries
C.J. Boyle, A.B. Lennon and P.J. Prendergast

Multiphase Flows III ThE03
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

Grain Scale Simulation of Flow in a Sandstone Sample by using the Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) Method
L.Y. Cheng, R.G. Domingos and M.M. Tsukamoto

Numerical Investigation of Three-phase Flows using Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
A. Zainali, N. Tofighi and M. Yildiz

Numerical Simulation of Oil leakage, Water Flooding and Damaged Stability of Oil Carrier based on Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) Method
L.Y. Cheng, D.V. Gomes, A.M. Yoshino and K. Nishimoto

A Pore-Scale Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Model for Geomaterials
E. Catalano, B. Chareyre, A. Cortis and E. Barthélémy

Investigation of Internal Erosion Processes using a Coupled DEM-Fluid Method
H. Sari, B. Chareyre, E. Catalano, P. Philippe and E. Vincens

Permeability Assessment of Heterogeneous Porous Media using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
B. Jones and Y.T. Feng

Material Point Methods ThE04
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

Solving Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Problems with the Material Point Method (MPM)
A. Yerro, E.  Alonso and N. Pinyol

Enriched Convected Particle Domain Interpolation (CPDI) Method for Analyzing Weak Discontinuities
A. Sadeghirad, R. Brannon and J. Guilkey

Accuracy Comparison of Material Point Method with Gimp and cpdi Interpolation with Known Numerical and Analytical Solutions for Geotechnical Problems
W.T. Solowski and S.W. Sloan

Analysis Adaptivity and Scalabilitry of the Material Point Method
M. Berzins, T. Harman and J. Luitjens

Establishing Credibility of Particle Methods through Verification Testing
R. Brannon, K. Kamojjala and A. Sadeghirad

20:30 - 23:00
Conference Banquet

Friday, October 28th

09:00 - 11:15
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

What is Failure? An Answer from Discrete Modelling
F. Darve, L.  Sibille and F. Nicot

Some Fundamental Issues in Discrete Element Modelling of Particle Systems
Y.T. Feng, K. Han and R. Owen

Moving Particle Simulation for Free Surface and Muti-phase Flows
S. Koshizuka

11:15 - 11:45

11:45 - 13:45
Mixing Processes and Bubble FrM01
Room: Master (B. A3)

3D Discrete Particle Modelling of Ice Accretion, Ice Ridges and Runback due to Supercooled Droplet Impingement
K. Szilder and E.P. Lozowski

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Mixing in a Continuously Operated Fluidized Bed
J. Hold, S. Wirtz and V. Scherer

Coupling of Granular Media and Fluid Flow Solved by the Finite Pointset Method
J. Marburger and J. Kuhnert

BEM Simulations of Potential Flow with Viscous Effects on Rising Micro-Bubble with and without Acoustic Excitation
B.H. Goh, E. Klaseboer and B.C. Khoo

Modelling of Internal Stresses in Grinding Charges
P. Jonsén, B.I. Pålsson and H-Å. Häggblad

Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics FrM02
Room: Multimèdia (B. B3)

Dynamic Refinement for Fluid Flow Simulations with SPH
Y. Reyes and D. Roose

A General Comparative Study in Long Rod Penetration using Corrective Smoothed Particle Method
A. Eghtesad and A.R. Shafiei

Simulating Fluid-Solid Interaction Problems using an Immersed Boundary-SPH Method
M.R. Hashemi, R. Fatehi and M.T. Manzari

Development of a SPH-FEM Coupling Methodology for Modeling Strong Fluid-Structure Interactions
G. Fourey, D. Le Touzé and B. Alessandrini

SPH Applications within a General Purpose Finite Element Package
V. Oancea, J.  Konert and M.  Chinnakonda

SPH Simulation of Sloshing due to Horizontal Tank Excitation
D.C. Swapnadip and S.A. Sannasiraj

Discrete Element Methods III FrM03
Room: Telensenyament (B. B3)

Modelling and Simulation of Electron Clouds in Heavy-Ion Accelerators using a High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Approach
E. Gjonaj and T. Weiland

Element Test Experiments and Simulations: From Dry towards Cohesive Powders
O.I. Imole, N. Kumar and S. Luding

An Event-Driven Method for the Simulation of Hard-Spheres Aggregates
S. Gonzalez, M. N Bannerman and S.  Luding

Modelling and Simulation of the Effect of Blast Loading on Structures using an Adaptive Blending of Discrete and Finite Element Methods
C. Labra, E. Oñate, F. Zárate and J. Rojek

A Study on the Influence of the Particle Packing Fraction on the Performance of a Multilevel Contact Detection Algorithm
V. Ogarko and S. Luding

13:45 - 15:00
Fairwell Lunch