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Number of visits: 111277

26/10/11    11:30 - 13:30
IS - Applications of Particle-based Methods in Geo-mechanical and Mining Problems
Invited Session organized by Geir Horrigmoe and Kent Tano
Room: Sala d´Actes (B. C2)

Qualitative Statistical Analysis of Simulated Data from a Pilot Scale Mill
J. Alatalo and B.I. Pålsson

Simulation of Stresses in Iron Ore Pellets for Confined Compression-tests using the Multi Particle Finite Element Method
G. Gustafsson, H-Å. Häggblad and P. Jonsén

Discrete Modelling of a Rockfall Protective System
K. Thoeni, C. Lambert, A. Giacomini and S.W. Sloan

Modelling Cohesive-Frictional Particulate Solids for Bulk Handling Applications
J.P. Morrissey, S.C. Thakur, J. Sun, J.F. Chen and J.Y. Ooi

Applying Nonsmooth DEM in Geometric Design Optimization of a Balling Drum Outlet
D. Wang, M. Servin, M. Forsman and K-O. Mickellsson

Particle Finite Element Method Applied to Modelling Granular Material Flow in Industrial Processes
C. Dávalos, J. Cante, R. Weyler, J. Oliver and J. Hernandez

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
particle-basedmethods@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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