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Number of visits: 108350

27/6/2007    10:40 - 12:00
MEMS reconfigurable circuits (I).Focused on filters
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Roberto Sorrentino
CoChair: Fabio Coccetti
Design of a 2-Pole Digitally Tunable RF MEMS Filter Based on a Hybrid Simulation Approach
M. Houssini, A. Pothier, p. Blondy, A. Crunteanu, P. Tristant

Tunable Bandstop MEMS Filters for Ka and V-band Applications
A. Takacs, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Muller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, R. Plana, H. Aubert

Novell Micromachined Lumped Element Bandpass Filter with an Additional Zero in the Bandstop, for WLAN 5200 Applications
A.A Muller, D Neculoiu, D Vasilache, A Cismaru, P Pons, R Plana, L Bary, A Muller

Mechanically Tunable RF Filters: from a MEMS Perspective
W. Yan, R. Mansour


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