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Paper Submission

Full papers to MEMSWAVE CONFERENCE 2007 should be received by May 8th, 2007.

The final version of your paper must be 4 pages long and written according with the template you find here: DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

Authors are asked to send their collaborations in .pdf format. Other formats will not be accepted.

For registration and submission of Full Papers, please, click here.

Once registered, to modify the information or add/modify the file of the full paper we kindly ask you to log in as registered participant in order to avoid double registrations.

Please note that acceptance of papers for presentation and publication in the proceedings is conditional to receiving the Full Paper in format for publication and the payment of the contact author's congress registration fees before May 8th 2007.

Recommendations for oral and poster presentations:

ORAL: please be certain that the length of your oral presentation strictly stays within the allocated time. The time for presentation is 20 minutes in total:

- 15 minutes for the lecture
- 5 minutes for discussion.

Room Equipment for Oral Sessions
The room will be equipped with a PC and a PC projector. Participants are requested to
store their power point presentation preferably in a CD (memory sticks may also be used)
and to give it to the coordinator at the room at least 20 minutes before the session (not
your talk) starts.

POSTER: maximum dimensions (110 cm x 70 cm)

Poster Presentation
Boards will be available along with the necessary mounting pins. The poster size should
be not larger than 110 cm height and 70 cm width. Please, be sure that your poster is easily
readable from the distance of 100cm. A label will indicate the location of your poster.

Please, in either oral or poster presentations, contact your chair person 20 minutes before the beginning of the session.


International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
memswave@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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