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Number of visits: 108348

26/6/2007    15:20 - 16:20
Interactive poster Session (I)
Room: Auditorium
Chair: David Girbau
MEMS Reconfigurable Inset-Fed Patch Antenna Inherently Matched Over a Wide Frequency Range
P. Arcioni, L. Perregrini, G. Conciauro

Pyramidal Circularly Polarized Antenna with RF-MEMS Switches for Frequency Flexibility
S. Hebib, H. Aubert, O. Pascal, N. J.G. Fonseca, L. Ries, J.M. E.López

Design and Realization of a MEMS-tuned Reflectarray on LTCC Substrate
J. Perruisseau-Carrier, H. Legay, J. Lenkkeri, J-P. Polizzi, E. Jung, A.K. Skrivervik

MEMS Reconfigurable Patch Antenna Analysis Using WIPL-D
C. Medeiros, J. Costa, C. Fernandes, B. Kolundzija

A Dual-Gap Tunable RF MEMS Capacitor for Reflectarray Applications
G. Lissorgues, F. Flourens, A. Phommahaxay, F. Marty, L. Rousseau, C. Papon, P. Nicole, T. Dousset

Modified Ladder-type BAW Filter for an Out-of-band Rejection Improvement
J. Verdú, O. Menéndez, P. de Paco

Integrated Transformers for RF Applications. Analysis of the Width of Tracks
Y. Sanchez, A. Beriain, I. Cendoya, I. Sancho, J. Melendez, I. Gutierrez

Design and Characterization of a Bulk-acoustic-resonator (FBAR)
H. Campanella, A. Uranga, P. Nouet, N. Barniol, L. Terés, J. Esteve

Epitaxial AlN Thin Films for RF Applications
J.C. Moreno, F. Semond, E. Frayssinet, J. Massies, R. Vélard, X. Gagnard

Planar Spiral Inductors with MEMS Technology
E.U. Temocin, H.I. Atasoy, M. Unlu, K. Topalli, I. Istanbulluoglu, O. Bayraktar, S. Demir, O.A. Civi, S. Koc, T. Akin

Microfabrication of High Frequency Coaxial Cable using SU8 Photoresist
ML Ke, Y Wang, JF Zhou, K Jiang, MJ Lancaster

Dimensioning of Electromagnetic Couplers for 0-level Packaged Microwave Power Limiters based on Electron Emitter Array
A. Phommahaxay, G. Lissorgues, L. Rousseau, T. Bourouina, P. Nicole


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