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Number of visits: 108355

26/6/2007    11:20 - 13:00
MEMS switch and switch applications
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Flavio Giacomozzi
CoChair: Alexandru Muller
Deep-reactive-ion-etched 3D Transmission Lines with Integrated Mechanically Multi-stable SPST and SPDT RF MEMS Switches
M. Sterner, N. Roxhed, G. Stemme, J. Oberhammer

RF-MEMS Switch for W-Band Applications.
A. Stehle, V. Ziegler, B. Schönlinner, U. Prechtel, H. Seidel, U. Schmid

RF MEMS Matrices for Space Applications
S. Catoni, S. Di Nardo, P. Farinelli, F. Giacomozzi, G. Mannocchi, R. Marcelli, B. Margesin, P. Mezzanotte, V. Mulloni, D. Pochesci, R. Sorrentino, F. Vitulli, L. Vietzorreck

An Improved Reliability Switching Network Design based on DC Contact MEMS Switches dedicated to Swithing Matrix Applications
M. El Khatib, A. Pothier, A. Crunteanu, O. Vendier, J.L. Cazaux, P. Blondy

A Novel Structure of RF MEMS Capacitive Series Switch for Avoiding Power Induced Stiction
JD Martinez, P Blondy, A Pothier, D Bouyge, A Crunteanu, M Chatras


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