Invited Sessions
Plenary lectures will be complemented by invited sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas.
The talks scheduled are generally invited by the organizers. Authors interested to contribute to a particular Invited Session are kindly requested to contact the session organizer(s) directly.
Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.
A preliminary list of the Invited Sessions planned follows:
Adaptive Membrane Structures
Organizers: M. Sieder (TU Munich, Germany), A. Bögle (HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Germany)
Advanced Methods for Analysis of Tensile Structures
Organizers: F. Dieringer, R.Wüchner, K.-U. Bletzinger (TU Munich, Germany)
Active Bending – Stiffening of Membrane Structures by Elastically Deformed Elements
Organizers: J. Knippers (Knippers Helbig GmbH Stuttgart, Germany), C. Gengnagel (Berlin University of the Arts, Germany)
Building Physics of Membrane Structures
Organizers: M. Sieder (TU Munich, Germany), A. Kaufmann (Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics, Germany)
Detailing - Case Studies - Installation Process
Organizer: I. Llorens (UPC, School of Architecture, Spain)
Engineering and Development of Membrane Structures for Space Applications
Organizers: L. Datashvili (TU Munich, Germany), S. Pellegrino, (Caltech, USA)
Organizers: K. Moritz (University of Appplied Sciences, FH Anhalt, Dessau, Germany) and L. Schiemann (University of Applied Science, Berlin, Germany)
Fluid-Structure Interaction and Wind Engineering
Organizers: R. Wüchner, K.-U. Bletzinger (TU Munich, Germany)
Membranes in Environment
Organizer: R. Wagner (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany)
Membrane Materials - Manufacture, Testing & Modelling
Organizers: B. Bridgens (Newcastle University, UK), E.Barbero (West Virginia University, USA)
Rapid Deployable Tensile Structures
Organizer: A. Pronk (Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands)