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Number of visits: 88240

Social Program

The Welcome Reception will take place on Tuesday, May 28th, between 17.00 and 19.00 at the Conference Venue, during the registration, in Kirchhof Saal, 1. floor.

The Conference Banquet Dinner, on Thursday May 30th, 20.15, will take place at Röperhof Restaurant (Agathe-Lasch-Weg 2, 22605 Hamburg) a thatched farmhouse from 1759 http://www.roeperhof-restaurant.de/

Those who wish to take part in the Banquet will accompany us on a short 3-part tour of the beautiful city of Hamburg.

After the end of the last afternoon sessions we will walk a short distance (600 m) to sightseeing boats that will depart at 18.30 from the Hotel Steigerberger at Heiligengeistbrücke.

There is no late shuttle service: Anyone who misses the boat departure has to organize transportation to the dinner venue at his own expenses.

From the boats we will transfer to buses carrying us to Restaurant Röperhof.

After the Banquet a shuttle service will be available which will stop at some central points in the inner City of Hamburg.

Click the image to enlarge the map

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