ALTAMIRA INFORMATION is an experienced Earth Observation company providing ground movement measurements with millimetric precision and mapping products using satellite images. ALTAMIRA INFORMATION provides client-oriented solutions to major industry sectors: Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Mining, Insurance, Environment and Natural Hazards.
The Barcelona Aeronautics and Space Association (BAIE) represents the aeronautics and space sector in Catalonia. Since its foundation in 2000, BAIE has gathered 88 members, including aerospace companies, research and development centres, universities and others.
Established in 1989, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) coordinates all civil space-related policies and programs on behalf of the Government of Canada. The CSA directs its resources and activities through four key thrusts: Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, Satellite Communications, and Space Awareness and Learning.
ERSDAC - Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center A non-profit organization conducting research and development for remote sensing applications to natural resources exploration and environmental monitoring. We operate each Ground Data System for ASTER and PALSAR for data processing and distribution, and arrange data acquisition schedule of ASTER.
ESA, the European Space Agency is an intergovernmental organisation with a mission to provide and promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, the exploitation of space science, research and technology and space applications. ESA currently has 17 Member States.
European Space Imaging: pre-eminent supplier of global high-resolution satellite imagery and European affiliate of GeoEye (owner of the IKONOS and OrbView satellites). GEOVIRTUAL: Spanish software company specialized in developing 3D visualization technologies describing territories for professionals and the general public."
Established in 1984, GMV provides innovative solutions for the Space market in the areas of GNSS, flight dynamics, satellite monitoring and control, mission analysis, mission planning, Earth Observation data processing, science operations centers, user segments, simulation, systems engineering and GNC, and on-board software.
The IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (http://www.grss-ieee.org/) is the primary sponsor of IGARSS. Visit our booth to learn about future conferences, membership opportunities, and new initiatives, including the J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
Join us next July 6-11 at IGARSS 2008 in Boston Massachusetts, USA (www.igarss08.org). Dedicated to “Remote Sensing: The Next Generation,” IGARSS’08 will explore the role of remote sensing in addressing the multi-disciplinary challenges facing the earth sciences community.
INDRA is Spanish major IT and defence company. INDRA Espacio is devoted to satellite activities including navigation, telecommunications, control stations and remote sensing, the later covering end to end solutions from telemetry download to Earth Observation high level product generation.
Infoterra GmbH, Germany, was founded to conduct the commercial exploitation of the TerraSAR-X data. Infoterra is responsible not only for the commercial distribution of the data, but for the development and marketing of derived geo-information products and services as well. The DLR is the national aerospace research center of Germany. Four DLR-institutes are involved in the implementation of the TerraSAR-X mission, covering a range of technologies required: the original design and mission control to data processing and scientific data exploitation.
The Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya is the official mapping agency of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. Its activities are related with land studies from different approaches such are the production of different map series, research and information distribution and diffusion.
ITT Visual Software Solutions presents ENVI, the complete image analysis solution for retrieving geospatial information from remotely sensed data and imagery. See demonstrations on the full suite of tools for feature extraction, change detection, image classification, target detection, and extensive file format support. For more information visit: http://www.ittvis.com.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is the Japanese space agency for the nation's space development and utilization, and aviation research and development, from basic research to technology development and utilization. JAXA will also contribute to "Sustainable Development" through these activities.
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has been devoted to fulfilling its role as the leading national aerospace R&D in Korea since 1989. Activities of KARI can be categorized into three areas: the development of technology aircraft, satellites (KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite-1 and 2, KOMPSAT-1 and 2) and space launch vehicles. KARI is currently developing KOMPSAT-3, 3A and 5.
Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging offers a range of workflow solutions for photogrammetry, mapping, remote sensing, catalog management and exploitation of geospatial imagery. Those who use Leica Geosystems products trust them for their precision, seamless integration, interoperability and superior customer support.
MiraMon is a Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing software. It allows you to view, query, edit and analyse raster maps (remote sensing, orthophotos, digital terrain models, thematics...) and vector maps (thematic or topographical which contain points, lines or polygons).
National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) – The NPOESS Integrated Program Office, through its Northrop Grumman-Raytheon contractor team, is developing, managing, acquiring, and preparing to launch NPOESS to replace the current U.S. civil (POES) and military (DMSP) weather satellite systems."
PCI Geomatics - world-leading developer of image-centric software for the geospatial industry specializing in remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, spatial analysis, map production and automated production systems. Our geospatial solutions enable customers to find answers to real-world questions using satellite, aerial and other geospatial data.
RSLab is a university research group working on radar, optical and passive microwave remote sensing techniques and applications. Activities cover instrument design and construction, field experiments, calibration, imaging and added-value data processing algorithms for final users.
Visit us on stand 26 and be introduced to our range of specialist light and radiation sensors for calculating VIs and for ground truth studies. Wavebands can be matched to the Earth Observation satellites such as Landsat and MODIS.
Starlab is a private independent company that transforms science into technologies with a profound and positive impact on society. We achieve this by first identifying social needs and the market opportunities they create, and then reaching to science to provide technical solutions, products and services for governments, industry and downstream markets.
Taylor & Francis, founded in the City of London in 1798, is the oldest commercial journals publisher in the world, and one of the leading global academic publishers, publishing over 1200 peer-reviewed research journals and around 1,800 new books each year.
The U. S. Geological Survey Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) is a remote sensing archive that manages and distributes satellite and aircraft data to scientists, policy makers, and educators worldwide.
Vexcel Corporation, a wholly owned Microsoft subsidiary, has been a leading provider of remote sensing solutions for 21 years. Vexcel offers imagery and data acquisition products, geospatial data and process management products, sensor data processing services and products, and value-added processing services and products.