5-7 April, 2017, Rome, Italy
Important Dates

IACM Finite Elements in Flow (FEF) Problems Conference
The Finite Elements in Flow (FEF) Problems Conference has a rich history that closely parallels the development and maturation of
the finite element method and its application to computational fluid dynamics problems.
The FEF meetings began in Swansea (U.K.) in 1972 and are the principal forum for the exchange of research results in all aspects of flow
simulation using the finite element method. The scope of the conference is intentionally broad with coverage of theory,
implementation, assessment and application in all of the major and emerging areas of fluid dynamics and flow-related phenomena.
Previous FEF Conferences were held in Swansea, United Kingdom (1974), Santa Margharita Ligure, Italy (1976), Banff, Canada (1980), Tokyo, Japan (1982), Austin, Texas, USA (1984), Antibes, France (1986), Huntsville, USA (1989), Barcelona, Spain (1993), Venice, Italy (1995), Arizona, USA (1998), Texas, USA (2000), Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan (2003), Swansea, United Kingdom (2005), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (2007),
Tokyo, Japan (2009), Munich, Germany (2011), San Diego, California (2013) and Taipei, Taiwan (2015).

FEF 2017
The 19th edition of the IACM International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems will take place in Rome, Italy, on April 5 - 7, 2017.
The main objective of FEF 2017 is to provide a venue for the exchange of ideas and latest research results in finite element and
related methods for applications involving fluid mechanics and transport phenomena.
The scope of the conference is very broad, with coverage of the theory, implementation, assessment and application
in all of the major and emerging areas of fluid dynamics and flow-related phenomena.
The methods covered at the conference are not restricted to finite elements. Many researchers using different methods attended this conference during the previous editions and we expect the same for FEF 2017.

The International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) was established in 1984 to promote advances in Computational Mechanics.
Computational Mechanics is the development and application of numerical methods and digital computers to the solution of problems posed by
Engineering and Applied Science with the objectives of understanding and harnessing the resources of nature.
IACM currently groups 32 Associations from all around the world. In addition to the main World Congress (rotating on a two-year cycle between the three world regions of IACM),
IACM sponsors thematic conferences organized by national, regional or private organizations

Sapienza - Università di Roma
Sapienza University was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII in Rome,
is one of the oldest universities in the world and a top performer in international university rankings.
Sapienza has 11 Faculties, 63 Departments and various research centres that drive high levels of excellence in archaeology,
physics and astrophysics, as well as humanities and cultural heritage, environmental studies, nano technology, cellular and gene therapy, design and aerospace.