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Number of visits: 175891

Tuesday, September 6th.

18:00 - 20:00

Wednesday, September 7th.

08:45 - 11:00
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Lectures I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Herbert Mang
CoChair: Wing Kam Liu

Opening of the XI International Conference on Computational Plasticity

Black Holes in Probability Tails: Challenge for Safety Analysis of Quasibrittle Structures
Z. Bažant, J-L. Le and J. Eliáš

Stabilized Galerkin and Collocation Meshfree Methods
J.S. Chen, S.W. Chi and H.Y. Hu

Modelling of Inelastic Response by Two-Scale Approaches
P. Wriggers and C. Wellmann

Isogeometric Crack Propagation: Discrete and Phase-Field Descriptions
M.J. Borden, T.J.R. Hughes, C.M. Landis, M.A. Scott and C.V. Verhoosel

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
IS - Advances in Damage Modelling at Large Inelastic Deformations: Theory and Computational Aspects
Invited Session organized by José César de Sá and Khemais Saanouni
Room: Sala d’Actes
Chair: José César de Sá
CoChair: Khemais Saanouni

Algorithmic Strategies for the Solution of Non-local Problems of Integral-type
F.X.C. Andrade, J.M.A. César de Sá and F.M. Andrade Pires

2D Adaptive Fem Simulation of Failures in High-speed Impacts
M. Issa, K. Saanouni, C. Labergère and A. Rassineux

A Micromechanical Constitutive Model for Ductile Fracture: Numerical Treatment and Calibration Strategy
L. Malcher, F.M. Andrade Pires and J.M.A. César de Sá

Coupled Effect of Anisotropic Material Damage and Plasticity at Finite Deformations
S. Cleja-Tigoiu

3D XFEM Model for Ductile Fracture
M. Seabra and J.M.A. César de Sá

IS - Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Designs for Industry I
Invited Session organized by Takashi Iizuka and Masayoshi Akiyama
Room: VS208

Dynamic Buckling Characteristics of New Crash-boxes Developped for Automobiles
M. Tasaka, Y. Nakazawa and K. Tamura

Consideration Using Numerical Calculation about Progress of Die Abrasion in Punching Process and its Influence on the Burr Shape
T. Iizuka, N. Hatanaka and N. Takakura

Automatic Generation of Polycrystalline FE-model Directly from the EBSD Orientation Maps
N. Matsutani, K. Matsui and T. Yamada

Estimation of Response of Steel Sheet Plated with Thin Hard Layer
T. Uchimura, T. Yamamoto and M. Akiyama

Evaluation of the Influences of Carbon Content in Steel and Plastic Strain on Elastic Modulus Measured by Simple Tension Test
M. Akiyama

IS - Computational Algorithms for Contact and Interfaces
Invited Session organized by Tod Laursen
Room: VS217
Chair: José L. Pérez-Aparicio

Coupling of Non-conforming Interface Meshes in Contact Dynamics and Fluid-structure Interaction Using Mortar Methods
A. Popp, M. Gitterle, T. Klöppel, M.W. Gee and W.A. Wall

On a Contact between Curves and Rigid Surfaces – From Verification of the Euler-Eytelwein Problem to Knots
A. Konyukhov, K. Schweizerhof and A. Metzger

A Numerical Approach to Imperfect Interfaces with Initial High Stiffness
P. Gruber and J. Zeman

Energy Frictional Dissipating Algorithm for Rigid and Ellastic Body’s Contact Problems
R. Bravo and J.L. Pérez-Aparicio

Isogeometric Analysis of 3D Large Deformation Frictional Contact Problems and Comparison with Lagrange and Bézier Interpolations
L. De Lorenzis, P. Wriggers and G. Zavarise

IS - Computational Challenges in Multiscale Inelasticity and Instability
Invited Session organized by Herbert Mang and Christian Hellmich
Room: VS218
Chair: Herbert Mang
CoChair: Christian Hellmich

Multi-scale Analysis of Asphalt Mixture in Layered Road Structure
R. Valenta and M. Šejnoha

Multiscale Modelling of Masonry Structures under Extreme Loading
B.A. Izzuddin and L. Macorini

A Continuum Micromechanics Approach for Upscaling Quasi-brittle Strength of Cement Paste and Mortar
B. Pichler and C. Hellmich

Loss of Stability during Growth of Cohesive Zones Ahead of Stationary Microcracks
B. Pichler and L. Dormieux

Computational Modelling of Progressive Failure of Composite Materials and Structures Including Plasticity Effects
E.V. Morozov, J. Chen and K. Shankar

On the Relevance of Lignin Failure for Softwood Strength - a Poromicromechanical Approach
T.K. Bader, K. Hofstetter, Ch. Hellmich and J. Eberhardsteiner

IS - Novel Computational Approaches in Biomechanics at Different Length Scales I
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS219
Chair: Gerhard A. Holzapfel

Transport of Macromolecules Across Tissues
M. Bacci and P.M. Mariano

Interactions Between Self Penetrating Neural Interfaces and Peripheral Nerves
P.N. Sergi and S. Micera

Putting more Microstructural Information into Soft Biological Tissue Modeling: Application to Mitral Valve Mechanics
B. Skallerud, V. Prot and I.S. Nordrum

Inelastic Damage Mechanisms in Collagen-rich Tissues: Multiscale Modeling of Cross-linked Molecules Within Fibrils
M. Marino and G. Vairo

Modeling of Damage in Soft Biological Tissues and Application to Arterial Walls
D. Balzani, G.A. Holzapfel and S. Brinkhues

A Biphasic Transverse Isotropic FEM Model for Cartilage
T. Ricken, D.M. Pierce and G.A. Holzapfel

IS - Energy-based Variational Principles and Applications in Constitutive Modeling I
Invited Session organized by Joern Mosler and Laurent Stainier
Room: VS213
Chair: Laurent Stainier

On the Thermodynamical and Variational Consistency of Cohesive Zone Models at Finite Strains
J. Mosler and I. Scheider

Variational Nonlocal Regularization in Finite-Deformation Inelasticity
A. Mota, J. Foulk and J. Ostien

Energy-based Variational Modeling of Adiabatic Shear Bands Structure
S. Su and L. Stainier

Accelerated Energy-minimization in the Quasicontinuum Method with Application to Nanopillar Compression
B.  Eidel, A.  Stukowski and J.  Schröder

IS - Computational Modeling of Forming Processes I
Invited Session organized by Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
Room: VS214
Chair: Jean-Philippe Ponthot
CoChair: Carlos Agelet de Saracibar

Determination of the High Strain Rate Forming Properties of Steel Sheet
P. Verleysen, J. Peirs and L. Duchêne

An Adaptive Crack Initiation/propagation Method Driven by Nonlocal Ductile Damage
H. Javani Joni, R. Peerlings and M. Geers

Johnson-Cook Parameter Identification for AISI 304 Machining through Nelder Mean Method
C.M. Giorgio Bort, P. Bosetti and S. Bruschi

Numerical Simulation of Stationary Roll Forming using ALE Formalism
R. Boman and J-P. Ponthot

A One-phase Thermomechanical Model Dedicated to Thixoforming. Application to Semi-solid Steel Forming
R. Koeune and J-P. Ponthot

IS - Continuous - Discontinuous Approaches to Failure of Quasi-brittle Materials
Invited Session organized by Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot and Frédéric Dufour
Room: VS215
Chair: Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
CoChair: Guenther Meschke

Thermodynamic Consistent Gradient-Poroplasticity Theory for Porous Media
G. Etse and J.L. Mroginski

Continuum to Discrete Transition in Non Local Damage Models
G. Pijaudier-Cabot, L.B. Rojas-Solano and D. Grégoire

Improvements and applications of the TLS model for crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials.
P.E. Bernard, N. Moës and N. Chevaugeon

Stress Based Nonlocal Interactions
C. Giry, F. Dufour and J. Mazars

Isogeometric and Coupled Isogeometric-XFEM Analysis for the Modeling of Propagating Discontinuities
G. Meschke, T.S. Dang, M.N. Nguyen and D. Leonhart

Innovative Computational Methods I WeM09
Room: VS216
Chair: Umberto Perego

Application of Sensitivity Analysis – Preliminary Step of the Process Parameters Estimation
D. Szeliga

Algorithms for Strain Gradient Plasticity
C. Wieners

Numerical Implementation of a Generalized Plasticity Model at Finite Strains
F. De Angelis and R.L. Taylor

Predictive Models for Bolted T-stub Connections combining FEM with Intelligent Artificial Techniques
J. Fernández-Ceniceros, R. Lostado-Lorza, R. Fernández-Martínez, A. Sanz-García and F.J. Martínez-de-Pisón

An Improved Accuracy Analysis of Elastoplastic Integration Algorithms
F. Karaoulanis

An Efficient FETI Based Solver for Elasto-plastic Problems of Mechanics
M. Cermak, T. Kozubek and A. Markopoulos

Damage, Fracture and Fatigue I WeM10
Room: VS206a
Chair: Adnan Ibrahimbegovic

Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Metallic Polycrystalline Aggregates in Fatigue
L. Signor, M. Guéguen, J. Dumoncel and P. Villechaise

Microstructure Effect on Adiabatic Shear Instability of NS/UFG Materials: a Numerical Study
Y. Guo, Y. Li and Q. Wei

Balancing & Relaxation of Residual Stress During Fatigue Crack Growing in Friction Stir Welded Joints
Y. E Ma

Simulation of Crack Propagation in Nickel Base Single Crystal Superalloys under Mode I and Mode II Loads
P.A. Sabnis, S. Forest and M. Mazière

Non Intrusive Technique Based on a Discrete Element Approach to Extract Crack Opening from 3D Finite Element Computations
B. Richard, C. Oliver, A. Delaplace and F. Ragueneau

Advanced Material Models I WeM11
Room: VS206b
Chair: Kenjiro Terada

Parameter Fitting for a Class of Models with Directional Distortional Hardening
J. Plesek, Z. Hruby, H.P. Feigenbaum and Y.F. Dafalias

Influence of the Plastic Potential on the Mechanical Response of Thermoplastic Components
M. Polanco-Loria and M. Hinrichsen

Plastic Torsional Analysis of Steel Members
Y.L. Pi and M.A. Bradford

An Efficient Numerical Integration Algorithm for the Single Mode Compressible Leonov Model
S.M. Mirkhalaf Valashani, F.M. Andrade Pires and R. Simões

The Tikhonov Regularization Method in Elastoplasticity
H. Parente Azikri de Deus, C. Roberto Ávila da Silva Júnior, I. Moura Belo and J.C. Arantes da Costa Júnior

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Xavier Oliver
CoChair: Bernhard A. Schrefler

Finite Element Analysis of Failure in Solids and Structures
F. Armero

Mechanics of Porous Media: from Geomaterial to Tumor Growth Modelling
B.A. Schrefler

Holistic Analysis of Underground Infrastructure Subjected to Fire
A. Amouzandeh, H. Moser, T. Ring, M. Zeiml, R. Lackner and H. Mang

Structurally-based Computation of the Biomechanical Response of Cardiovascular Tissues
G. Holzapfel, T.S.E. Eriksson and M. Unterberger

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Non-conventional Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Processes
Invited Session organized by Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto
Room: Sala d’Actes
Chair: Elias Cueto

Structural Dynamical Analysis by using Solid-shell Elements in Conjunction with Enhanced Assumed Strain Method
N. Mukunthamani, M.P.L. Parente, A.A. Fernandes and R.M. Natal Jorge

Neural Network Based Material Description of Uncured Rubber for use in Finite Element Simulations
C. Zopf, S. Freitag and M. Kaliske

Modeling of Plastic Behavior for Porous Bronze at High Strain Rate
P. Xue, N. Iqbal, B. Wang and Y.L. Li

Real Time Simulation of Cutting Biological Materials by Reduced Models and X-FEM Techniques
S. Niroomandi, I. Alfaro, E. Cueto and F. Chinesta

Towards a Numerical Simulation of Direct Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Parts by Powder Laser Sintering
D. Defauchy, G. Regnier, I. Amran, P. Peyre, A. Ammar and F. Chinesta

Dynamic Data-Driven Inverse Identification in Dynamical Systems
F. Masson, A. Leygue, F. Chinesta and E. Cueto

Tensor Decompositions and the Proper Generalized Decomposition in the Simulation of Materials and Processes
A. Falcó

IS - Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Designs for Industry II
Invited Session organized by Takashi Iizuka and Masayoshi Akiyama
Room: VS208

Influences of Finished Geometry of Specimen for Compression Test on the Stability of Testing and Precision of Measured Stress and Strain
J. Miyagawa, S. Ohba and M. Akiyama

Experimental and Numerical Analyses on The Characteristics of Twin Skew Rolling
T. Uchimura, Y. Okuda and M. Akiyama

Spring-back Prediction by Combination of the Finite Element Analysis and Bent Beam Theory Considering Bauschinger Effect
T. Matsumoto, S. Gotoh, T. Kuboki, M. Murata and Y. Jin

Effect of Temperature in Formability of Composite Composed of Overlapped Fibre Bundle, Thermoplastic Resin and Metal
T. Kuboki, S. Uematsu and M. Murata

Estimation of Springback of Stainless Steel Sheet Part Taking Influence of Anisotropic Property of Plastic-Deformation-Dependent Young’s Modulus into Account
K. Hayakawa, K. Sawano, T. Nakamura, Y. Kubota, Y. Nanba and Y. Tabuchi

IS - Shape Memory Materials: Theory and Computation
Invited Session organized by Edoardo Artioli and Robert Taylor
Room: VS217

Thermomechanical Simulation of Shape Memory Alloys Structures: Variational Methods and Associated Numerical Tools
M. Peigney

Finite Element Technology for Stents Made of Shape Memory Alloys and Polymers
J. Frischkorn, M. Schwarze and S. Reese

Toward an Efficient Integration Algorithm: Logarithmic Versus Exponential Mapping
J. Arghavani, F. Auricchio, R. Naghdabadi and A. Reali

IS - Computational Analysis of Masonry Structures
Invited Session organized by Pere Roca
Room: VS218

A new Formulation to Assess the Seismic Demand of Masonry Structures by Means of Input Energy
M. Meza and F. Peña

Numerical Analysis of Mixed-mode Fracture of Brickwork Masonry with Embedded Discontinuity Elements
E. Reyes, J.C. Galvez and M.J. Casati

Comparison between Minor Destructive Tests Results and Finite Element Models: The Case of a Sandstone Masonry Wall Tested in Laboratory
C. Liaño, I.  Lombillo and L.  Villegas

Numerical Simulation of the Structural Damages produced on Masonry Buildings by Tunnelling Induced Settlements
C. Molins, O. Arnau, B. Barbosa and V. Alegre

Numerical Simulation of Experiments on In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Response of Masonry Walls. Practical Applications
P. Roca and C. Sandoval

Computational Modeling of Hybrid Masonry Systems
I. Stanciulescu and Z. Gao

IS - Novel Computational Approaches in Biomechanics at Different Length Scales II
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS219
Chair: Bjorn Skallerud

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Formation and Destabilization of Plaques in Blood Vessels
Y. Yang and M. Neuss-Radu

A Micro-sphere-based Remodelling Formulation for Soft Tissue involving Residual Stresses
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel

A Microstructural Approach to Modelling Inelastic Effects in Fibred Biological Tissues
E. Peña, P. Sáez, M. Doblaré and M.A. Martínez

A Cascading Multiscale Computational Approach for the Biomechanics of Bones
U. Nackenhorst, C.  Lenz, D.  Kardas and A.  Lutz

Determining Growth Parameters of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by means of Inverse Analysis under Finite Deformations
S. Tinkl, M. Gee and W. Wall

Longitudinal Prestrain in Male Abdominal Aorta from Pulse Wave Velocity Viewpoint
L. Horný, T. Adámek, H. Chlup, R. Žitný, E. Gultová and J. Veselý

Mathematic Model of Aortic Dissection
B. Li, S. Roper and N. Hill

IS - Energy-based Variational Principles and Applications in Constitutive Modeling II
Invited Session organized by Joern Mosler and Laurent Stainier
Room: VS213
Chair: Joern Mosler

A Variationally Consistent Approach for Non-associative Thermoplasticity at Finite Strain
M. Canadija and J. Mosler

Multiscale Modeling of Nanocrystalline Metals: A Variational Approach
T. El-Sayed and E. Gurses

Simulation of the Dynamics of Bio-membranes in a Viscous Fluid with a Phasefield Variational Lagrangian Approach
C. Peco, A. Rosolen and M. Arroyo

Plasticity Described by Uncertain Parameters - A Variational Inequality Approach
B. Rosic and H.G. Matthies

IS - Computational Modeling of Forming Processes II
Invited Session organized by Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
Room: VS214
Chair: Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
CoChair: Jean-Philippe Ponthot

Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Complex Scan Patterns in Sheet Laser Forming Processes
D. Celentano, G. Kieffer, J. Ramos-Grez and M. Walczak

Influence of the Material Hardening Model on the Simulation Results for the Equal Channel Angular Extrusion - ECAE - Process
R. Puff and M. Vaz Jr.

Experimentally-based Identification of Sheet-metals Plastic Anisotropy, with a View to Obtaining Improved Predictions in Forming Simulations
G. Ferron, I. Charpentier, M. Martiny and M. Teaca

Derivation of Anisotropic Flow Curves of a Ferrite/Pearlite Two-Phase Steel and their Use in Forming Simulations of a Line-pipe Tube
G.M. Laschet, P. Payek, H. Quade, Th. Henke and G.J. Schmitz

Numerical Simulation of Transient Temperature and Plastic Dissipation in Friction Stir Welding
N. Dialami, M. Chiumenti, M. Cervera and C. Agelet de Saracibar

Identification of Orthotropic Plastic Material Parameters for Deep-Drawing Steel using DIC and FEMU
S. Schmaltz and K. Willner

IS - Stress Integration, Consistent Tangents and Solution Algorithms
Invited Session organized by Roger Crouch
Room: VS215

A Comparison of Various Iterative and Iteration-free Time Integrators
S. Hartmann, A-W. Hamkar, K.J. Quint and S. Rothe

Mathematical Programming as a Paradigm for Computational Plasticity
K. Krabbenhoft and A.V. Lyamin

Elastoplastic Tangent by Euclidean Construction
R. Crouch and W. Coombs

A Consistently Linearized Computational Model for Micropolar Large Strain and Large Curvature Elastoplasticity with Application to 3D Micro-indentation Tests
S.  Bauer, M. Schäfer, W. Dettmer and D.  Peric

On the f Fields of Inadmissible Stress Space
W.M. Coombs, R.S. Crouch and C.E. Augarde

Innovative Computational Methods II WeE09
Room: VS216

Isogeometric Analysis of Finite Deformation Elasto-plastic Problems
K.M. Mathisen, K.M. Okstad and T. Kvamsdal

Assessment of the Enhanced Assumed Strain (EAS) and the Assumed Natural Strain (ANS) Techniques in the Mechanical Behavior of the SSH3D Solid-Shell Element
L. Duchêne, A. Ben Bettaieb and A.M. Habraken

A Generalized Finite Element Method for Modelling Arbitrary Interfaces in Large Deformation Problems
S.O.R. Biabanaki and A.R. Khoei

Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Elastic Structures – A New Approach
S.A. David and C. Oliveira

LATIN Analysis Dedicated to Parametric Studies of Elastoviscoplastic Metallic Components
N. Relun, D. Néron and P.A. Boucard

A Computational Procedure for the Cyclic Steady State Elastoplastic Analysis of Structures
K.V. Spiliopoulos and K.D. Panagiotou

Damage, Fracture and Fatigue II WeE10
Room: VS206a

On the Integration of Inelastic Constitutive Models Coupled to Damage
T. Eirola, J. Hartikainen, R. Kouhia, M. Ristinmaa and M. Wallin

The Study of Low Velocity Impact Damage on a Sandwich Foam Composite Panel
F. Xu and L. Xia

Cyclic Viscoelastoplasticity and Fatigue Fracture of Polymer Composites
A.D. Drozdov

Prediction of Strain Localization during Sheet Metal Forming using Bifurcation Analysis and Gurson-type Damage
L.Z. Mansouri, H. Chalal, F. Abed-Meraim and T. Balan

Plastic Deformation of Heterogeneous Materials: Numerical Simulation Study
R.M. Branco, P.A. Prates, M.C. Oliveira, N.A. Sakharova and J.V. Fernandes

Advanced Material Models II WeE11
Room: VS206b
Chair: Daya Reddy

Compression Behaviors of Low-Density Porous Materials under Multiaxial Stress Conditions
A. Sakuma and S. Nagaki

Rheological Method for Constructing Constitutive Equations of One-phase Granular and Porous Materials
V. Sadovskiy

Tensile Test Modeling in Functionally Graded Materials
D. Sánchez, W. Montealegre Rubio and D. López

Johnson-Cook Parameter Identification from Machining Simulations using an Inverse Method
A. Shrot and M. Bäker

On the Simulation of Kinematic and Distortional Hardening in Metals at Finite Strains
A.V. Shutov and J. Ihlemann

Finite Element Modeling of Synthetic Fiber Ropes
U. Akalp and S.  Özüpek

19:00 - 20:30
Welcome Reception

Thursday, September 8th.

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Antonio Gens
CoChair: Pierre Ladevèze

Multiscale Solution Strategy beyond Scale Separation
I. Bruss, A. Erhart (Hund), T. Hettich and E. Ramm

Strain Localization, Strong Discontinuities and Material Failure: A Strain Injection Procedure
J. Oliver, A.E. Huespe and I. Dias

Optimization of Metal Forming Processes for Improving Final Mechanical Strength
J-L. Chenot, P-O. Bouchard, L.  Fourment, P. Lasne and E. Roux

Elasto-plastic Fractal Model of Rough Surfaces for Finite Element Contact Analysis
R. Buczkowski and M. Kleiber

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:30
Contact Problems ThM01
Room: Sala d’Actes
Chair: Alexander Popp

On the Effect of Negative Posioon‘s Ratio on Contact Properties
N. Aouni, P. Wriggers and R. Sauer

The Contact Temperature and Deformation Area of Asperities on Rough Surface for Three-Body Contact Situation
J. Horng, C. Wei, Y. Chen and S. Chern

Numerical Analysis of Elastic-plastic Contact Problems
O. Sadovskaya

Improvement of Accuracy and Conditioning of Penalty Approach in Contact Modeling
T. Bednarek and P. Kowalczyk

Halfspace Modeling of Elastic-plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces
F. Hauer and K. Willner

A Dual Mortar-based Contact Formulation Applied to Finite Plastic Strains
T. Doca, F.M. Andrade Pires and J.M.A. César de Sá

IS - Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities at Failure I
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm, Francisco Armero and Christian Linder
Room: VS208

Keynote Lecture: The Thick Level Set Damage Model Coupled to the eXtended Finite Element Method to Simulate Initiation and Complex Cracking Patterns
N. Moës, P.-E Bernard, N. Chevaugeon and C. Stolz

Crack Propagation in Shells due to Impact Against Sharp Object
M. Pagani and U. Perego

Cohesive Zone, X-FEM Combination for Damage Fracture Transition Modelling
A. Combescure, S.  Marie, F.  Cazes and A. Simatos

Modeling Fracture within Local Max-Ent Meshfree Approximation Schemes
B. Li, M. Ortiz and A. Pandolfi

An Embedded Discrete Strong Discontinuity Approach with Interelement Compatibility of the Enhanced Kinematical Field
D. Dias-da-Costa, J. Alfaiate, L.J. Sluys and E. Julio

IS - Multiresolution Science Based Mechanics of Complex Material I
Invited Session organized by Wing Kam Liu, Ji Hoon Kim and Lars-Erik Lindgren
Room: VS217

Simplified Multiscale Resolution Theory for Elastic Material with Damage
L-E. Lindgren, H. Qin, W.K. Liu and S. Tang

A Micromorphic Continuum Formulation for Finite Strain Inelasticity
S. Skatulla, C. Sansour and H. Zbib

A Comparative Study of Failure Criteria in Sheet Metal Forming Analysis
N-T. Nguyen, D-Y. Kim and H.Y. Kim

Application of Finite Element Code to Characterize Mechanical Properties of Complex Microstructured Materials
N-T. Nguyen, S. Kang, D-Y. Kim and H.Y. Kim

IS - Multiscale Modeling for Microstructure Design of Materials I
Invited Session organized by Tomohiro Takaki and Kisaragi Yashiro
Room: VS218
Chair: Tomohiro Takaki

Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Interaction between Dislocation and Y2O3 Nanocluster in Fe
K. Yashiro, T. Mutsukado, M. Tanaka, A. Yamaguchi, K. Koga, T. Segi and T. Okuda

Atomic Simulations of Fracture Behaviours of Ultrafine-Grained Metals
T. Shimokawa, M. Tanaka and K. Higashida

Relationship between Deformation and Stability Switching in Amorphous Metal: Local Lattice Instability Analysis
M. Nishimura, K. Yashiro and M. Arai

Effect of Distribution of Spherulite on the Non-Uniform Plastic Deformation Behaviour of Semi-Crystalline Polymer
M. Uchida and N. Tada

Microstructurally Motivated Modelling of Grain Boundaries
G. McShane, P. van Beers, V. Kouznetsova and M. Geers

Thermal-Mechanical Models and Applications ThM05
Room: VS219
Chair: Eduardo A. de Souza Neto

A Method of Two-Scale Chemo-Thermal-Mechanical Coupling for Concrete
T. Wu, I. Temizer and P. Wriggers

Analysis of Thermal Residual Stresses in Brazed Diamond-Metal Joints Considering Creep and Plasticity in 316L Stainless Steel and Filler Alloy
M. Akbari, S. Buhl, C. Leinenbach, R. Spolenak and K. Wegener

Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Fire
D. Di Capua

Multi-surface Description of Temperature and Strain Rate-dependent Damage Initiation and Growth in Ductile Viscoplastic Materials
P. Longère, A-G. Geffroy, B. Leblé and A. Dragon

Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Temperature Effects on Dynamically Loaded Polyurethane Foams
E.M. Kasparek, R. Scheidemann, U. Zencker and H. Völzke

Monolithic Approach to Thermo-structure Interaction with High Temperatures and high Temperature Gradients
C. Danowski, U. Küttler, M.W. Gee and W.A. Wall

Multi-physics/Multiscale Material Problems I ThM06
Room: VS213
Chair: Bernhard Pichler

Non-linear Finite Element Formulation for the Study of Hysteresis Behaviour in Thin–film Photovoltaic Materials
J.L. Pérez-Aparicio and R. Palma

Hydro-mechanical Modeling of Two-phase Fluid Flow in Deforming, Partially Saturated Porous Media With Propagating Cohesive Cracks using the Extended Finite Element Method
T. Mohammadnejad and A.R. Khoei

Towards the Effective Behaviour of Polycrystalline Microstructures at Finite Strains
E. Lehmann, S. Loehnert and P. Wriggers

Multiscale Modeling of Microcrystal Plasticity
D. Hurtado and M. Ortiz

Continuum Modeling of Mg Alloy AZ31 under Uniaxial Deformation
A. Fernández, T. Pérez Prado, Y. Wei and A. Jérusalem

A Micromechanically Motivated Diffusion-based Transient Network Model and its Incorporation into Finite Rubber Viscoelasticity
C. Linder and M. Tkachuk

IS - Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations
Invited Session organized by Miguel Vaz Júnior
Room: VS214

On The Numerical Modelling of Metal Cutting Processes Using The Particle Finite Element Method
J. Rodríguez, J. Cante, J.  Oliver and R.  Weyler

Predictive Capability of Constitutive Model Outside the Range of Calibration
D. Wedberg and L-E. Lindgren

Parameter Identification and Elastic-plastic Problems: Optimization Strategies
J. Stahlschmidt, M. Vaz Jr., P.A. Muñoz-Rojas and E.L. Cardoso

Process Analysis based on Experimental Tests and Numerical Modelling of Single Point Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal: Effect of the Principal Process Parameters
R. Bahloul, H. Arfa and H. BelHadj Salah

Numerical Simulation Study of the Knoop Indentation Test
M.I. Simões, A.X. Martins, J.M. Antunes, N.A. Sakharova, M.C. Oliveira and J.V. Fernandes

Numerical Model of Warm Drawing of the Biocompatible Mg Alloys Accounting for Ductility of the Material
A. Milenin and P. Kustra

IS - Inelastic Processes in Heterogeneous Materials
Invited Session organized by Hermann G. Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic
Room: VS215

Multi-scale Analysis of Masonry Structures
M.L. De Bellis, D. Addessi and R.L. Taylor

Multiscale Modelling of Masonry Structures using Domain Decomposition Techniques
K. Heyens, B. Vandoren and L. Schueremans

Computational Homogenization of Porous Metals
F. Fritzen, S. Forest and T. Böhlke

A Deterministic Filter for Estimation of Parameters Describing Inelastic Heterogeneous Media
H.G. Matthies and B. Rosic

Two-scale Parameter Identification for Heterogeneous Elastoplastic Materials
U. Schmidt, J. Mergheim and P. Steinmann

Anisotropic Constitutive Model of Plasticity Accounting for Details of Meso-structure of Two-phases Material
N. Benkemoun, J.B. Colliat and A. Ibrahimbegovic

Innovative Computational Methods III ThM09
Room: VS216

A Mixed Algorithm for Incremental Elastoplastic Analysis
A. Bilotta, L. Leonetti and G. Garcea

Shape Optimization for Anisotropic Elastoplasticity in Logarithmic Strain Space
S. Germain and P. Steinmann

Global Equilibrium Triangular Element for Lower Bound Limit Analysis
D. Sodré and E. Lucena Neto

Interior-Point Algorithm for Shakedown Analysis Accounting for Limited Kinematical Hardening
J.W. Simon and D. Weichert

Non-linear Analysis with the Boundary Element Method
E. Pineda, I. Villaseñor and J. Zapata

Elastoplastic Analysis of Plane Steel Frames under Dynamic Loading
A. Silva, W. Fernandes, R. Silveira and P. Gonçalves

Damage, Fracture and Fatigue III ThM10
Room: VS206a

Nonlocal Micromorphic Elastoplasticity with Damage-Gradient
M. Hamed and K. Saanouni

Stiffness and Strength of Hierarchical Polycrystalline Materials with Imperfect Interfaces
M. Paggi and P. Wriggers

A New Non-iterative Approach to Fracture
R. Costa, J. Alfaiate, D. Dias-da-Costa and L.J. Sluys

3D Modeling of Damage Growth and Ductile Crack Propagation using Adaptive Fem Technique
H. Moslemi and A.R. Khoei

Macroscopic Toughness at Steady State Crack Propagation in Non-local Visco-plastic Materials: Studied using a Variation of the SSV-model
K.L. Nielsen, C.F. Niordson and J.W. Hutchinson

Influence of Creep and Friction on Crack Propagation in Thermal Barrier Coating
M. Bäker and J. Rösler

Geomechanics I ThM11
Room: VS206b
Chair: Guenther Meschke

A Theoretical Approach to the Study of Compaction Bands in Porous Rocks
A. Das, G.D. Nguyen and I. Einav

Extended Barcelona Basic Model for Unsaturated Soils
D.M. Pedroso

An Elastoplastic-Viscoplastic Soil Model for Cyclic Loading
J.R. Maranha and A. Vieira

Modeling Rock Frictional Sliding by LDDA Method with the Rate and State Dependent Friction Law
Y. Cai

Soldier Pile Walls – 3D Numerical Analysis of Soldier Pile Embedment
J. Chalmovsky, R. Fiala and L. Mica

13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Time

14:30 - 16:30
IS - Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities at Failure II
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm, Francisco Armero and Christian Linder
Room: VS208

Finite Deformation Damage Modelling in Challenging Applications - Forming Limit Diagrams and Life Time Analysis for a Rocket Thrust Chamber
V. Tini, I.N. Vladimirov, Y.  Kiliclar and S. Reese

A Novel FE Approach to Strain Localization Problems Based on a Three Field Formulation
M. Chiumenti, M. Cervera and R. Codina

X-FEM Model for Coupled Analysis of Crack Propagation and Fluid Flow in Porous Materials
G. Meschke and D. Leonhart

Regularizing Damage Evolution for Ductile Fracture Using Localization Elements
J.W. Foulk III, A. Lindblad, J.M. Emery, A.  Mota and J.T. Ostien

A Novel Approach to Model the Interaction of Intralaminar Damage and Delamination in Layered Composite Materials
J.J.C. Remmers, S. Hosseini and R. de Borst

Numerical Simulations of Vickers Indentation Crack Growth in Ferroelectric Single Crystals: Effect of Microstructure on the Fracture Process
A. Abdollahi and I. Arias

IS - Multiresolution Science Based Mechanics of Complex Material II
Invited Session organized by Wing Kam Liu, Ji Hoon Kim and Lars-Erik Lindgren
Room: VS217

Computational Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites as a Complex Material
J. Oliver, A.E. Huespe and D.F. Mora

Homogenization-Based Multi-Scale Impact Analysis of Open-Cell Aluminium Alloy Foam
D. Kim, J.H. Kim, Y.S. Lee and J.K. Lee

Prediction of the Bauschinger Effect for AHSS by Dislocation Density-Based Crystal Plasticity FEM
M.G. Lee, F. Barlat, J.H. Kim and D. Kim

Image-Based 3D Microstructure Representation for Multi-Phase Materials
J.H. Kim, D. Kim and M.G. Lee

Rapid Multiaxial High Cycle Fatigue Limit Predictions using Self-heating-based Probabilistic Multiscale Models
M. Poncelet, C. Doudard, S. Calloch, B. Weber and F. Hild

A Modular Crystal Plasticity Framework Applicable from Component to Single Grain Scale
P. Eisenlohr, D.D. Tjahjanto, C. Kords, F. Roters and D. Raabe

IS - Multiscale Modeling for Microstructure Design of Materials II
Invited Session organized by Tomohiro Takaki and Kisaragi Yashiro
Room: VS218
Chair: Tomotsugu Shimokawa

Numerical Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Steel by using Multi-Phase-Field Method and Homogenization Method
A. Yamanaka and T. Takaki

A Dynamic Recrystallization Simulation Based on Phase-field and Dislocation-crystal Plasticity Models
M. Muramatsu, S. Sato, Y. Aoyagi and K. Shizawa

Dynamic Recrystallization Model during Hot Working by Coupling Phase-Field Method and Finite Element Method
T. Takaki

Numerical Investigations of Mechanical Stress Caused in Dendrite by Melt Convection and Gravity
H. Kashima, T. Takaki, T. Fukui and K. Morinishi

Multiscale Simulations of Multiphase Steels
S. Yadegari, S. Turteltaub and A. Suiker

IS - Novel Computational Approaches in Biomechanics at Different Length Scales III
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS219
Chair: Daniel Balzani

Growth and Remodeling at Arterial Layers
I. Karsaj, J. Soric and J. Humphrey

Numerical Analysis of Pulsatile Blood Flow in Realistic Coronary Bypass Models
J. Vimmr, A. Jonasova and O. Bublik

The Linked Fiber-Matrix Mesh Model: Finite Element Analysis of Muscular Mechanics within the Context of a Fascial Integrity
C.A. Yucesoy and P.A. Huijing

Multi-scale Characterization and Modeling of Medical Mesh Implants
B. Röhrnbauer and E. Mazza

Modeling Patient-Specific Variations of Vessel Wall Properties in Rupture Risk Prediction of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using Finite Elements and Modern Imaging Technologies
A. Maier, M. Gee, C. Reeps, H-H. Eckstein and W. Wall

Multi-physics/Multiscale Material Problems II ThA05
Room: VS213
Chair: Christian Miehe

Two-Scale Analysis of Inelastic Heterogeneous Materials
W. Cecot and M. Serafin

Pore-space Controlled Hardening Model in Plasticity of Porous Materials: Application to The Analysis of Indentation Experiments
R. Traxl and R. Lackner

Simulation of DP-Steels based on Statistically Similar Representative Volume Elements and 3D EBSD Data
D. Brands, D. Balzani, J. Schröder and D. Raabe

A Semi-smooth Newton Method for Problems in Strain-gradient Single-crystal Plasticity
B. Reddy, C. Wieners and B.  Wohlmuth

Time-dependent Mesoscopic Modelling of Masonry using Embedded Weak Discontinuities
B. Vandoren, K. Heyens and K. De Proft

Multi-scale Constitutive Modeling of the Deformation Kinetics of Semicrystalline Polymers
A. Sedighiamiri, L.E. Govaert and J.A.W. van Dommelen

Forming Processes Simulations I ThA06
Room: VS214
Chair: Diego Celentano

Numerical and Experimental Study of Sandwich Plates with Metallic Foam Cores
H. Mata, M. Parente, A. Fernandes, R. Natal Jorge, R. Valente and A. Santos

Constitutive Modeling of CGI Machining Simulations
G. Ljustina, R. Larsson and M. Fagerström

An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) Approach for the Modelling of Tension Levelling Processes
L. Steinwender, A. Kainz, K. Krimpelstätter and K. Zeman

On the Prediction of the Curvature of Cross Roll Straightened Bars
A. Mutrux, B. Berisha and P. Hora

Numerical Simulation of the Cold Pilgering Process of ODS Tubes
E. Vanegas, K. Mocellin, Y. De Carlan and R. Loge

IS - Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures
Invited Session organized by Pavao Marović
Room: VS215

The Simulation of Early Age Concrete Behaviour
T. Jefferson, P. Lyons, G.  Cole, R. Tenchev and J. Ou

Microplane Model M6f for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
F.C. Caner and Z.P. Bažant

Microcrack Initiation Criterion in a Micromechanical Model for Concrete
I. Mihai and T. Jefferson

A Combined Finite-Discrete Element Model for Reinforced Concrete under Seismic Load
N. Živaljić, Ž. Nikolić and A. Munjiza

Numerical Modelling of a RC Beam-column Connection Subjected to Ciclic Loading by Coupling Different Non Linear Models
J. Pérez-Mota and N. Domínguez

Structural Validation of a Modified Mohr-Coulomb Rankine Material Model for Concrete
M. Galic and P. Marovic

Innovative Computational Methods IV ThA08
Room: VS216

Elastic-plastic Analyses using the Solid-shell Finite Element SHB8PS and Evaluation on Sheet Forming Applications
A. Salahouelhadj, H. Chalal, F. Abed-Meraim and T. Balan

On the Performances of Different Nodal Integration Techniques and Their Stabilization
F. Greco, L. Filice, I. Alfaro and E. Cueto

Mixed Mode Fracture Analysis of Cohesive Delamination by Orthotropic XFEM
S. Esna Ashari and S. Mohammadi

Non-linear Finite Element Assessment Analysis of a Modern Heritage Structure
S. Sorace and G. Terenzi

Multi-axial Behaviour of Honeycombs under Combined Shear-compression by FEM
B. Hou, Y.L. Li and H. Zhao

Composition Duality Methods for Quasistatic Evolution Elasto-visco-plastic Variational Problems
G. Alduncin

Damage, Fracture and Fatigue IV ThA09
Room: VS206a
Chair: Khemais Saanouni

Plastic Responses of Cylindrical Pressure Vessels of Kinematic Hardening Materials by Sequential Limit Analysis
S.Y. Leu

Numerical Study on Interfacial Damage of Sprayed Coatings due to Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
S. Roth and M. Kuna

Prediction of Damage Intensity in Moment Frames by using Wavelet Analysis
F. Raufi and O. Bahar

Numerical Simulation of Discrete Dislocation Dynamics: Effects of Time Step Integration
F. Langhi, P. Sánchez and A. Huespe

Model for Elastoplastic Analysis of 2D Frames Including Hardening and Damage
P.M. López-Reyes, A. Lorenzana, M. Cacho-Pérez and E.L. Chica

Computational Investigation of Damage and Fracture Mechanisms Controlling the Performance of Full Aperture Easy Open Ends for Food Containers
D.L.P. Taylor, G.T. Nagy and D.R.J. Owen

Geomechanics II ThA10
Room: VS206b

3D Modelling of Geomaterials Accounting for an Unconventional Plasticity Approach
V.A. Salomoni and R. Fincato

A Structured Constitutive Model for Simulating the Behaviour of an Overconsolidated Bonded Clay
N.A. González, A.  Gens, M. Arroyo and M. Rouainia

Explicit Integration Scheme for Generalized Plasticity Constitutive Models with Automatic Error Control
M.M. Stickle, P. De la Fuente and C. Oteo

Numerical Implementation of an Elastoplastic Model for Unsaturated Soils
N.A. González and A.  Gens

Effect of Large Displacements on the Numerical Analysis of an Embankment on Soft Soils
P.J. Venda Oliveira and L.J.L. Lemos

Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Pore Fluid-solid Interaction in Fully Saturated Non-linear Porous Media
H. Sabetamal, M. Nazem, S.W. Sloan and J.P. Carter

High Velocity Impact ThA11
Room: VS210

An Experiment and Simulation for Bird Strike of Aluminium Honeycomb-based Sandwich Panels
L. Jun and L. Yulong

A Computational Study on the Overload Characteristic Curves of Projectile Penetrating Metal Object
D. Qiong, F. Long and Q. Wei

Modeling High Velocity Hailstone Impact onto Composite Material Panel
Y. Wang and Y.L. Li

A New Method of Parameters Optimization of the Constitutive Model with Taylor Impact Test
F. Xu, W.G. Guo, H.X. Zuo, Z.Y. Zeng and X.J. Shao

Dynamic Localizations in Structural Steel at High Strain Rates and Temperatures
F.H. Abed and F.S. Makarem

16:30 - 17:00

17:00 - 19:00
IS - Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities at Failure III
Invited Session organized by Ekkehard Ramm, Francisco Armero and Christian Linder
Room: VS208

An Optimization Based Algorithm for Time Continuous Cohesive Modeling of Fracture
K.D. Papoulia

Comparative Investigation and Application of 3D Constitutive Models for Concrete
B. Valentini and G. Hofstetter

Multiscale Strain Localization Modeling in the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman Plasticity Model
S. D‘hers and E.N. Dvorkin

Exponential Finite Element Shape Functions for a Phase Field Model of Brittle Fracture
C. Kuhn and R. Müller

On Micro-to-macro Connections in Strong Coupling Multiscale Modelling of Softening Materials
O. Lloberas-Valls, D.J. Rixen, A. Simone and L.J. Sluys

Discontinuous Failure in a Gradient-enhanced Continuous Damage Model: a Regularised Displacement Framework
E. Tamayo-Mas and A. Rodríguez-Ferran

Composites ThE02
Room: VS217
Chair: Anna Pandolfi

A Parallel Computational Approach for Composite Assemblies with Frictional Contact
V. Roulet, P.A. Boucard and L. Champaney

A micro/meso computational approach for the damage and failure of laminated composite structures
F. Daghia and P. Ladevèze

Delamination Model for Laminated Composite Structures using ZigZag Theory
A. Eijo, E. Oñate and S. Oller

Discrete meso-modeling of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete: simulation of flexural behavior
A. Pros, P. Díez and C.  Molins

Numerical Modelling of Behaviour of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composites
F.  Otero, S. Oller, X. Martínez and O. Salomon

An Orthotropic Hyperelastic Constitutive Law with Damage for Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites: Formulation, Numerical Simulations and Experimental Study
H. Chaouki, A. Gakwaya , M. Fafard and F. Erchiqui

FE Modeling of Orthogonal Cutting of LFRP Composites
C. Santiuste, X. Soldani and H. Miguélez

IS - Multiscale Modeling for Microstructure Design of Materials III
Invited Session organized by Tomohiro Takaki and Kisaragi Yashiro
Room: VS218
Chair: Kisaragi Yashiro

Crystal Plasticity Analysis of Multiple Slip, Dislocation Accumulation and Generation of Recrystallisation Nuclei in Multicrystal Models
T. Ohashi

A New Crystal Plasticity Constitutive Equation Based on Crystallographic Misorientation Theory
H. Kuramae, Y. Nakamura, H. Sakamoto, H. Morimoto and E. Nakamachi

Numerical Prediction of Deformation in Microstructures with Two-scale Finite Element Analysis for Polycrystalline metal
T. Tsunekawa, I. Watanabe and K. Matsui

Application of Homogenization Method Considering Crystal Plasticity for Prediction of Mechanical Properties for Copper and Low Carbon Steel
T. Sueoka, T. Kuboki, M. Murata, K. Kuroda and K. Terada

Multi-scale Modelling for Ferrite-Pearlite Composite Steel
I. Watanabe, D. Setoyama and N. Iwata

IS - Novel Computational Approaches in Biomechanics at Different Length Scales IV
Invited Session organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel
Room: VS219
Chair: Udo Nackenhorst

Computational Homogenization for Two-scale Modeling of Large Deforming Perfused Tissues
E. Rohan and V. Lukes

Finite Element Analysis of Biopolymer Networks Using Nonlinear Beam Elements
C.J. Cyron, K.  Müller, R. Bruinsma, O. Lieleg, K.M. Schmoller, A.R. Bausch and W.A. Wall

Computational Modeling of Respiratory Mechanics - Bridging Scales from Alveolar to Organ Level
L. Wiechert and W.A. Wall

Simulation of Residual Stresses in Models of Patient-specific Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
S. Polzer and J. Bursa

Collagen Orientation and Waviness Within the Vein Wall
J. Veselý, L. Horný, H. Chlup and R. Žitný

An Anisotropic Pseudo-elastic Model for the Mullins Effect in Arterial Tissue
E. Gultová, L. Horný, H. Chlup and R. Žitný

Determining the Constitutive Parameters of the Human Femoral Vein in Specific Patients
G. Fortuny, B. Herrera, F. Marimón and J. Marcé

Multi-physics/Multiscale Material Problems III ThE05
Room: VS213
Chair: Elias Cueto

Multiscale Modelling of Concrete for Shielding in Next Generation Nuclear Facilities
B. Pomaro, G. Xotta, V.A. Salomoni and C.E. Majorana

A Comparison between the Total Lagrangian Scheme (TLS) and the Predominat Twin Reorientation (PTR) Methods to Analyze the Twinning Deformations in a Rate Dependent Crystal Plasticity Model
K. Kitayama, R. Cardoso, J. Yoon, T. Uemor and F. Yoshida

Finite-Temperature Nanovoid Deformation in Copper Under Tension
M.P. Ariza, M. Ponga, I. Romero and M. Ortiz

Discontinuity Layout Optimization in Upscaling of Effective Strength Properties in Matrix-inclusion Materials
S. Bauer and R. Lackner

A Transformation Field Analysis Based Multiscale Framework for Masonry Structures Accounting for Localised Failure and Friction
A. Chettah, B.C.N. Mercatoris and T.J. Massart

Multi-scale Failure for Heterogeneous Materials: Link with Morphological Modeling
E. Roubin, M. Bogdan and J.B. Colliat

Predicted Yield Surfaces via a Self-consistent Approach with Grain Form Effect
A. Abdul-Latif and M. Radi

Forming Processes Simulations II ThE06
Room: VS214
Chair: Eiji Nakamachi

Numerical Analysis of Tool Edge Radius Effect on Orthogonal Dry Machining Processes of Austenitic Stainless Steels
N.C. Marín, J.L. Cantero, J.A. Canteli and M.H. Miguélez

Validation of Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of Stainless Steel Forgings
A.A. Brown, T.D. Kostka, B.R. Antoun, M.L. Chiesa, D.J. Bammann, S.A. Pitts, S.B. Margolis, D.T. O‘Connor and N.Y.C. Yang

Resin Flow and Preform Deformation in Composites Manufacturing Based on a Partially Saturated Porous Medium
R. Larsson, M. Rouhi and M. Wysocki

Reproduce Diameter Reduction Process of a Powder Filled Tube in Finite Element Analysis
B. Böck, B.  Buchmayr, S. Wallner and G. Posch

On Standard Predictions of Reformability and Collapse Resistance for Expandable Tubulars based on Elasto-Plasticity Model
T. Srisupattarawanit and G.P. Ostermeyer

Analysis of Profile and Flatness in Flat Hot Rolling Based on Non-linearly Coupled Models for Elastic Roll Stack Deflection and Pseudo-steady-state Elasto-viscoplastic Strip
A. Kainz, M. Widder, E. Parteder, G. Hein, K. Schörkhuber and K. Zeman

Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures ThE07
Room: VS215
Chair: Paul Lyons

High temperature effects in mortar and concrete specimens using a meso-mechanical model with fracture based zero-thickness interface elements
M. Rodríguez, C.M. López, I. Carol and J. Murcia

Fracture Energy-based Constitutive Theory for Failure Behavior of Arbitrary Strength Concrete
G. Etse and P. Folino

An Elasto-plastic Damage Model for Concrete
E. Lale and M. Aydogan

The Influence of Load Misalignment on FRP-Concrete Bond Behaviour, a Numerical Study
P. Neto and J. Alfaiate

Numerical Model of Confined Fracture Tests in Concrete
O.I. Montenegro, D. Sfer, C.M. López and I. Carol

Meso-macro Numerical Approach to Macroscopic Permeability of Fractured Concrete
X. Jourdain, A. Vallade, J.B. Colliat, C. De Sa, F. Benboudjema and F. Gatuingt

Innovative Computational Methods V ThE08
Room: VS216
Chair: Jerzy Rojek

Evaluation of the Impact Force Exerted by a Granular Flow on an Obstacle
C. Dávalos, J. Cante, J. Oliver and R. Weyler

Advances in the Modelling of Surface Wear using the Particle Finite Element Method
J.M. Carbonell, B. Suarez and E. Oñate

Hexahedral Mixed Finite Elements for Materially Nonlinear Analysis
K.E. Papanikolopoulos and M. Papadrakakis

Modelling Brittle Failure of Materials using the Discrete Element Method
J. Rojek, E. Oñate, C. Labra and O. Su

A Particle Shape Library for Combined Finite-Discrete Element Simulations of Granular Media
M. Nikolić, A. Munjiza and Ž. Nikolić

Anisotropic Mesh and Remeshing for Finite Element Simulation of Slender Products
M. Hachani and L. Fourment

Advanced Material Models III ThE09
Room: VS206a

Some Relevant Issues in Large Strain Anisotropic Elastoplasticity Using Multiplicative Decompositions and Hyperelastic Stored Energy Functions
M. Miñano, J.M. Benitez and F.J. Montáns

A Unified Constitutive Model for Rate Dependent and Rate Independent Inelasticity – Integration Algorithm and Application in Industry
M. Becker and H-P. Hackenberg

Implementation of a Material Model for a Cast TRIP-steel
S. Prüger, M. Kuna, K. Nagel and H. Biermann

Smoothing of Yield Surfaces and a Reformulation of Multisurface Plasticity
J.M. Gesto, A. Gens and J.  Vaunat

Non-local Polycrystal Plasticity Modeling of Generation IV Nuclear Reactor Components with Special Focus on Grain Boundaries
T. Yalcinkaya, I. Özdemir and K.  Fredrik Nilsson

3D Modelling of the Elasto-plastic Behaviour of Adhesively Bonded Joints over a Wide Range of Tensile-shear Loads
J. Maurice, J-Y. Cognard, R. Créac’hcadec, L. Sohier, P. Davies, G. Meirinhos and S. Mahdi

Geomechanics III ThE10
Room: VS206b
Chair: Ronaldo I. Borja

Numerical Analysis and Safety Evaluation of a Large Arch Dam Founded on Fractured Rock, using Zero-thickness Interface Elements and a c-φ Reduction Method
I. Aliguer, I. Carol and E. Alonso

Sequential Limit Analysis in Porous Material Processes
L. Borges, I. Pontes and L. Costa

Micromechanical Analysis of Damage and Fracture in Sandstone Rock Specimens, using Zero-thickness Interface Elements
D. Garolera, I. Carol and C.M. López

Numerical Modeling of Pavement Materials Using Viscoplastic and Viscodamage Continuum Models
I. Gomes, I. Pontes and L. Costa

Validation of a Constitutive Model for Geomaterials for Use in Multi-material Hydrocode
D. Littlefield, K. Walls and K. Danielson

Elastic-brittle-plastic Analysis of Underground Openings in Hoek-Brown Rock Subject to Non-hydrostatic Stress Field
S. Sharan and R. Naznin

20:45 - 23:00
Congress Banquet at Drassanes Reials

Friday, September 9th.

09:00 - 11:00
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: Zdenek Bazant

Generalized Plasticity for Geomaterials with Double Structure
A. Gens, M. Sánchez and B. Valleján

Model-Based Rigorous Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems
M. Ortiz

Development of Crystallographic Process Technology for Piezoelectric Actuator for Bio-MEMS Device
E. Nakamachi

Framework for Localized Deformation in Crystalline Rocks Accounting for Plastic Slip and Microstructure
R.I. Borja and H. Rahmani

11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 14:00
Plenary Lectures V
Room: Auditorium
Chair: J. S. Chen

PGD Approximations for Time-dependent Nonlinear Problems: Basic Features and Verification
P. Ladevèze, D. Néron and L. Chamoin

Error Estimation and Adaptivity in Space and Time of Finite Element Methods for Elastoplastic and Viscoelastic Deformations
E. Stein

Variational Modeling and Scale Bridging of Dissipative Functional Materials with Length Scales
C. Miehe

Characterization of Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Deterioration of Cermets under SOFC Operation
K. Terada, T. Sasagawa and K. Ammar

Holonomic Manifolds for Multiscale Deformation and Fracture Via Nonlocal Blending of Sub-mesoscale Archetypes in Anholonomic Conformations
W.K. Liu, T. Belytschko, K.I. Elkhodary, S. Tang and M.S. Greene

14:00 - 15:30
Farewell Lunch offered by the Conference