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Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by invited sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas.

The talks scheduled are generally invited by the organizers. Authors interested to contribute to a particular Invited Session are kindly requested to contact the session organizer(s) directly.

Persons willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic are kindly requested to send their proposal to the conference secretariat.

A preliminary list of the Invited Sessions planned follows:

Advances in Damage Modelling at Large Inelastic Deformations: 
Theory and Computational Aspects
José César de Sá and Khemais Saanouni
cesarsa@fe.up.pt ; saanouni@utt.fr

Applications of Computational Methods to Product and Process Designs for Industry
Takashi Iizuka and Masayoshi Akiyama
tiizuka@kit.ac.jp ; akiyama@mech.kit.ac.jp

Computational Algorithms for Contact and Interfaces
Tod Laursen 

Computational Analysis of Masonry Structures
Pere Roca 

Computational Challenges in Multiscale Inelasticity and Instability
Herbert Mang and Christian Hellmich
herbert.mang@tuwien.ac.at ; Christian.Hellmich@tuwien.ac.at

Computational Modeling of Forming Processes
Jean-Philippe Ponthot and Carlos Agelet de Saracibar
JP.Ponthot@ulg.ac.be ; agelet@cimne.upc.edu

Computational Strategies for Metal Cutting & Forming Operations
Miguel Vaz

Continuous - Discontinuous Approaches to Failure of Quasi-brittle Materials
Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot and Frédéric Dufour
Gilles.Pijaudier-Cabot@ec-nantes.fr ; frederic.dufour@grenoble-inp.fr

Energy-based Variational Principles and Applications in Constitutive Modeling 
Jörn Mosler and Laurent Stainier 
Joern.Mosler@gkss.de  ; Laurent.Stainier@ec-nantes.fr

Inelastic Processes in Heterogeneous Materials
Hermann Matthies and Adnan Ibrahimbegovic
h.matthies@tu-bs.de ; adnan.ibrahimbegovic@ens-cachan.fr
Modeling of Damage Evolution and Propagating Discontinuities at Failure Ekkehard Ramm, Francisco Armero and Christian Linder ramm@statik.uni-stuttgart.de ; armero@ce.berkeley.edu ; linder@mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de Multiresolution Science Based Mechanics of Complex Material Wing-Kam Liu, Ji Hoon Kim and Lars-Erik Lindgren w-liu@northwestern.edu ; kimjh@kims.re.kr ; lel@ltu.se Multiscale Modeling for Microstructure Design of Materials Tomohiro Takaki and Kisaragi Yashiro takaki@kit.ac.jp ; yashiro@mech.kobe-u.ac.jp Non-conventional Modeling and Simulation of Materials and Processes Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto francisco.chinesta@paris.ensam.fr ; ecueto@unizar.es Novel Computational Approaches in Biomechanics at Different Length Scales Gerhard A. Holzapfel holzapfel@tugraz.at Numerical Modelling of Concrete Structures Pavao Marovic and Nenad Bicanic pavao.marovic@gradst.hr ; n.bicanic@civil.gla.ac.uk Shape Memory Materials: Theory and Computation Edoardo Artioli and Robert Taylor artioli@ing.uniroma2.it ; rlt@ce.berkeley.edu Stress Integration, Consistent Tangents and Solution Algorithms Roger Crouch r.s.crouch@durham.ac.uk

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